Oxygen saturation refers to the percentage of hemoglobin that is bound to oxygen when in the artery. This oxygen is required for metabolic processes, namely ATP production, which provides the energy necessary for vital function
Feb 23, 2022Respiratory rate is the rate at which a full breathing cycle occurs, both inhalation and exhalation.
Feb 23, 2022Heart rate can be a valuable metric in understanding the cumulative stress (e.g. emotional and physical stress) that is placed on the body.
Feb 23, 2022Heart rate by itself is the expression of how many contractions of the heart there are in a given unit of time; however, the rate itself is not constant.
Feb 22, 2022Learn from industry experts about human performance—the effectiveness and efficiency with which individuals perform tasks or activities, encompassing their physical, cognitive, emotional, and social abilities.
Read MoreGain an in-depth understanding of the biometrics that matter, and how they can provide actionable insights into your neurophysiology
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