Reading time: 5 min

Think of your body as a well-oiled machine, working in harmonious fashion to accomplish a number of different tasks every single day. Sometimes these tasks may be as simple as typing a sentence on a keyboard — like this one — or they may demand vast quantities of explosive energy, like deadlifting or sprinting. Our […]

Reading time: 5 min

Ever wonder what life would be like without fat? At first, it may sound as if such a world would be healthier than the one we live in now. After all, we’ve often been told that fat is dangerous, harmful, even detrimental to our health. It contributes to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high […]

Reading time: 5 min

While it’s true that every single one of us contain genes with genetic mutations, often times these differences are harmless. Every now and then, however, they can wreak havoc on our body. One harmful change includes a relatively common mutation referred to as the MTHFR mutation. No, it’s not some form of internet slang. MTHFR […]

Reading time: 6 min

Do you ever wish you could be young again? Perhaps you rise from bed in the morning to aches and pains that only seem to grow more apparent as you age. Or instead, you may find yourself unable to do the same activities you once could, from jogging down the street to moving a heavy […]

Reading time: 5 min

Here we’re going to focus on that final energy system, the phosphagen system, in more detail. What occurs in the phosphagen system that provides us with energy? And why is this system so important among the three that exist? To find out, let’s take a closer look at the many intricacies of the phosphagen system.

Reading time: 5 min

Beta-hydroxybutyrate is the primary ketone that forms when your body enters ketosis. Find out how high levels of it affect your health and weight.

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