Reading time: 5 min

Our hearts thump steadily inside our chest ensuring we live to fight another day. How fast it beats when we sit still is called our resting heart rate (RHR). It’s a standard medical vital sign and a key measurement of health and fitness.

A quick Google search for normal resting heart rate will tell you: “A normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats a minute.” But what if what we thought we knew was wrong? A quiet revolution has been taking place, and the internet is now just beginning to notice.

We take a deep dive into what makes a good Resting Heart Rate?

What’s normal?

The classic guideline for normal ranges between 60 and 100 beats per minute. The lower the better.

But it turns out that there is an immense difference between 60 and 100 beats per minute (BPM). 60 signifies health and vitality.  100 does not. Researchers now know: every increase in resting heart rate brings a heightened risk of illness and death.

The New Normal?

Back in 1992 prominent cardiology researcher David H. Spodick challenged the 60 to 100 guideline, suggesting a re-calibrated range of  50 to 90 BPM. The conventional limits were “established by consensus and never formally examined,” he said. Clinical experience led him to conclude that both figures were too high. So Spodick delved deeper: “We investigated this formally. The normal resting daytime heart rate ranges for sinus rhythm should be readjusted from 60-100 to 50-90.”

“About 50-70 beats per minute is ideal,” per WebMD, quoting cardiologist Suzanne Steinbaum, MD.

Yet 35 years later the 60 to 100 guideline persists. Even the American Heart Association (quoting the NIH) and Mayo Clinic cite 60 to 100.

Why Does it Matter?

It’s not just the high end of the range that spells trouble. New research shows every ten point increase in RHR increases your risk of illness and death, from all causes not just cardiac disease.

Ulrik Wisloff, co-author of one of the studies, explains, “The short answer is having an RHR above 85 may be very unhealthy. Keeping your resting heart rate below 70 is best.”

Mounting Research

Study after study confirms this.

A RHR of 100 can predict lowered mortality, even in healthy adults. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology reports, “elevated heart rate (90 beats/min or greater) is a risk factor, particularly for sudden cardiac death.”

In fact, a resting heart rate of more than 80 beats a minute brings a 45 percent greater risk of death from any cause. Even those with a relatively healthy RHR between 60 to 80 have an increased mortality risk (21 percent) over those with a rate below 60.

It’s not just heart trouble. A 28 year longitudinal study of 53,322 people in Texas found “a resting heart rate greater than 80 beats per minute is a strong predictor for future heart attacks, diabetes and even cancer.”

A meta review of 18 epidemiological studies showed “a mortality excess of 30% to 50% for every 20 beats/min increase” in RHR.

Cause or Effect?

Increasing evidence suggests that an elevated heart rate doesn’t just predict a higher risk. It may actually be causing it. Elevated heart rates can reduce the elasticity of the larger arteries. A high heart rate itself may be a cardiovascular risk factor. Researchers are now studying whether lowering the heart rate can reduce cardiovascular risk.

More than 32 studies prove elevated heart rate is an independent risk factor, suggesting that

lowering RHR may play a key role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

It’s not just humans: “Across a wide range of mammals slower heart rates are associated with greater longevity

Even a RHR of 76 beats per minute, well within the classic 60 to 100 BPM guidelines, may be linked to a higher risk of heart attack.

A resting heart rate of more than 80 beats a minute brings a 45 percent greater risk of death from any cause. Even those with a relatively healthy RHR between 60 to 80 had an increased mortality risk (21 percent) over those with a rate below 60.

An elevated RHR is also linked to reduce ability to perform everyday tasks in the elderly. Researchers emphasize the need for early intervention: “Because functional disability develops gradually, it is important to identify it early and take steps to delay decline, such as exercise, medication and other interventions.” Senior in this study with the highest RHR had an  “80 percent increased risk of decline in their ability to do basic daily activities, and a 35 percent increased risk of decline in their ability to do more complicated daily tasks”.

Given this research, the widely quoted parameters of 60 – 100 are just plain wrong. The paradigm has shifted from “60 to 100 is normal” to “Keep your RHR as low as possible and see a doctor if it increases > 10 points”.

Elite Athletes and Resting Heart Rate

Like any muscle, the heart grows stronger with use. The stronger it becomes the more efficient it is. It can pump larger volumes of blood with less effort,Elite athletes and the tremendously fit have RHR far below 60. This signifies extreme efficiency of their cardiovascular system. Even for those of us who may not be ultra-fit, there are interventions to lower our RHR.

What Factors Affect Resting Heart Rate?


  • Emotions (increase)
  • Fitness (decrease)
  • Activity (increases)
  • Body size (increases)
  • Dehydration (increases)


  • Temperature (heat/humidity increase RHR)
  • Position (increases initially when you stand up, then stabilizes)
  • Medication (varies: beta blockers slow RHR, thyroid medicine can increase it)

How Can You Lower your Resting Heart Rate?

While researchers are still weighing the exact connection between an elevated RHR and poor health, it’s clear that a low resting heart rate is a desirable sign of fitness. The best way to lower your RHR is to become more fit. Exercise s the number one fix, especially aerobic movement that taxes and strengthens your heart.

Lose weight. Stop smoking. Eat healthy. Nearly every known factor to improve health will also lower your resting heart rate.

How Often Should You Measure It?

Harvard recommends that you “check your resting heart rate early and often”.

Everyone’s heart beats but not everyone’s heart beats the same way or at the same rate.

The standard measure of heart rate is beats per minute (how many times does it go thump thump thump over 60 seconds). The spacing between each beat is not uniform – that’s called heart rate variability, and it’s actually better to have MORE variability than less.  That shows your heart is capable of adjusting to changing stimuli inside and outside your body.

Our heart beats is that it varies wildly over the course of the day depending on whether we are still, active, calm, agitated or asleep.

So when it comes to measuring our heart rate, for purposes of accuracy and uniformity we measure it when we are at rest. We’ve been sitting still for a few minutes.

A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association says to follow your RHR over time. “A healthy adult is expected to have RHR of 70,” says researcher Ulrik Wisloff, PhD. If your HRH increases more than 10 beats, says Wisloff, get a thorough check of your heart and blood vessels and ask your family doctor for advice about lifestyle changes.

Digital health solutions, like Biostrap, now allow us to keep track of changes in our RHR. Given the research-driven paradigm shift, it’s not a moment too soon.

Reading time: 5 min

Memory loss has long been accepted as a normal part of aging. But what if we could slow the progression of cognitive decline through lifestyle factors like diet and exercise?

A growing body of research suggests that what we eat and how often we move play a major role not only in mental acuity, but in slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other age-related brain disorders. Taking brain health into your own hands may boost your mental acuity while helping you live better for longer. Here’s a look at the promising research showing what it takes to stay sharp.

What Is Mental Acuity?

Mental acuity comprises a person’s ability to reason, focus, and recall information at optimum speeds. Losing mental acuity, or sharpness of the mind, is often referred to as cognitive decline — the key mental change associated with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, and other brain and age-related disorders.

The reason why sharpness of the mind is so important is because it determines our ability to move through the world safely and effectively. When we can remember what we’re doing and stay present in the moment, we’re more equipped to get our needs met without encountering conflict.

Mild Cognitive Impairment

Cognitive decline can still occur even without the presence of a disease like Alzheimers. This is often referred to as mild cognitive impairment (MCI). While there’s no single cause, the risk for mild cognitive impairment increases after a stroke or traumatic brain injury. It can also occur as a side effect to certain medications, or in association with depression, anxiety, or sleep deprivation.

Signs that you’re experiencing MCI include struggles with remembering, planning, or following instructions. This decline in mental acuity may also make it harder to make important decisions. Since it can be hard to know when your memory is declining, many people rely on family and friends to explain changes in memory to both the patient and their doctor.

More patients with mild cognitive impairment go on to develop Alzheimer’s than those without it. “About 8 of every 10 people who fit the definition of amnestic MCI go on to develop Alzheimer’s disease within 7 years,” says the National Institute on Aging.

In contrast, about 1-3% of people above 65 will develop Alzheimer’s each year. This suggests that preventing or mitigating MCI may help delay the onset of age-related brain disorders.

On its own, cognitive decline isn’t life-threatening. One of the core differentiators between mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s is that MCI doesn’t have a major impact on a person’s daily functioning. While Alzheimer’s progressive degeneration makes it hard to maintain a normal life, those with MCI can maintain an independent life through the adoption of healthy habits, which may help reverse early stages of cognitive decline.

Alzheimer’s Disease


Aside from memory loss, telltale signs of Alzheimer’s include changes to personality and behavior. Advanced Alzheimer’s patients may also struggle with balance, muscle stiffness, fatigue, and sleep disorders.

This loss of mental acuity and physical functioning, coupled with the presence of abnormal protein clusters and tangles, signifies nerve cell death and tissue loss in the brain. As these changes progress, they cause brain cell degeneration in different areas of the brain responsible for thinking, planning, learning, and memory. Alzheimer’s patients lose their ability to communicate, reason, and recognize loved ones as the brain continues to shrink.

While many people are aware of the mental changes associated with Alzheimer’s, diagnosis isn’t simple. It shares many of the signs and symptoms associated with dementia, tumors, sleep disruptions, and aging itself.

According to New York Times science and medicine reporter Gina Kolata, “A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is not easy to make. Doctors rely mostly on tests of mental acuity and interviews with the patient and family members.” She adds that community doctors may only be about 50-60% accurate in diagnosing the disease. Since Alzheimer’s is so hard to identify, it’s important to have a strong understanding of your own mental acuity — and what you can do to improve it.

How to Improve Mental Acuity

We’ve all heard that eating well and exercising keeps the brain and body sharp. But new research points to specific lifestyle factors that influence cognitive health.

For example, research compiled by UCLA neurology professor Dale Bredesen outlines a list of habits associated with the onset of Alzheimer’s. This includes chronic stress, exposure to mold and environmental toxins, fatty foods, and a lack of exercise and restorative sleep.

Sugar is another hidden culprit: Most people who develop Alzheimer’s also have insulin resistance. While none of these things alone lead to cognitive decline, the compilation of unhealthy activities disrupts the equilibrium of the body and negatively impacts mental abilities. Fortunately, learning how to optimize your brain function through nutrition can help you improve your mental sharpness.

Opt for Brain-Healthy Nutrition


If sugar is the worst ingredient for cognitive ability, healthy fats just might be the best. Numerous studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet — high in fresh fruits and vegetables and rich in healthy fats from fish, nuts, and olives — may slow or even prevent Alzheimer’s.

Incorporating these foods into your diet while reducing red meat (even in small amounts) can improve mental acuity, says Dr. Gad Marshall, who works in clinical trials at the Center for Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

The positive impacts of a Mediterranean diet were reinforced in another recent study, where it was combined with the heart disease diet called DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) to create the MIND diet. This diet was designed to “place more emphasis on foods that have been linked by previous research to improved cognitive function and delayed decline,” according to Judith C. Thalheimer in Today’s Geriatric Medicine.

The MIND diet recommends eating green leafy vegetables and nuts every day. It also advises eating beans, berries, whole grains, poultry, and fish in moderate quantities throughout the week. While loading up on these brain-healthy foods, you should also limit red meat, pastries, fried foods, and dairy products.

Martha Clare Morris, who led research on the MIND diet, explains that vegetables are especially important for reducing cognitive decline. “Green leafy vegetables show up in research as particularly protective, so we recommend people eat things like spinach, kale, collards, or romaine at least six times a week.” She adds that in animal studies, strawberries and blueberries were associated with improved mental performance.

Work Your Body, Boost Your Mind


Regular exercise can make your body strong — but can it also strengthen your mind? This question is being explored by the EXERT study, which is testing exercise as a possible treatment for Alzheimer’s. The approach follows a similar model that pharmaceutical companies use when testing new prescription drugs. Instead of popping pills, participants either hit the treadmill or work on stretching and flexibility.

While the study is still under way, there’s no shortage of research to support it. “The evidence in science has been building for the last 20 years to suggest that exercise at the right intensity could protect brain health as we age,” Baker says.

Other research proves that getting your mental gears turning is just as important as breaking a sweat. Specifically, a Swedish research study on 800 women shows that mental and physical exercises can help maintain mental acuity in midlife. Aside from physical exercises like walking, gardening, or playing sports, the study measured the impact of cognitive exercises like playing an instrument, attending a concert, socializing, or doing needlework.

Engaging in mentally stimulating exercises was shown to reduce the risk of dementia development by 34% in comparison to those who reported fewer cognitive activities. Additionally, regular, intense exercise was associated with a 57% reduction in multiple forms of dementia in comparison to more sedentary people.

These findings show that both your brain and your body need accurate exercise to maintain mental acuity and reduce age-related mental decline.

Maintaining Mental Acuity

Having a sharp mind is important for maintaining a high quality of life as we grow older. Cognitive decline is normal in older adults, but it isn’t entirely unavoidable. An increasingly large body of research shows that specific diets and targeted exercise habits can help reduce instances of cognitive decline.

Measuring your activity levels and revamping your diet could mean the difference between losing your independence and maintaining your freedom. When we can properly reason and remember, we can continue doing the things we enjoy with the people we love.

Reading time: 5 min

Have you ever stopped and wondered how your body produces energy? While the fuel we use to walk and run and lift weights may seem as if it’s coming from nowhere at all, in truth our body is relying on multiple complex systems to produce the energy we need to exercise, walk around, and survive.

As simple as it may seem, even flexing your index finger requires a little bit of energy, and without this energy, we wouldn’t get very far at all. So how exactly does our body go about producing the energy we require? We know that food is a primary source of fuel, but how do we turn the food we eat into usable energy that allows us to thrive?

If we were to break out a microscope and examine our body on a minuscule scale, we’d find that three primary energy systems within our body are working endlessly to carry out this mission. These include the anaerobic glycolysis energy system, the aerobic glycolysis energy system, and the phosphagen system. So what do each of these systems do? Let’s examine them in further detail below.

The Three Primary Energy Systems

The body produces power via three primary energy systems that are also referred to as metabolic pathways. The anaerobic glycolysis energy system does not require oxygen and uses the energy contained within glucose (simple sugars) to form adenosine triphosphate, or ATP for short. ATP is the organic chemical that drives the many processes in living cells because it is a form of energy and is found in all forms of life.

The aerobic glycolysis energy system, on the other hand, requires oxygen to burn fats and carbohydrates for energy but again produces ATP.

But the third and final system, referred to as the phosphagen system, creates creatine phosphate to convert into ATP. Of the three systems that exist, this is the fastest energy system within our body — the energy it produces is immediately available for use.

Today we’re going to focus on that final energy system, the phosphagen system, in more detail. What occurs in the phosphagen system that provides us with energy? And why is this system so important among the three that exist? To find out, let’s take a closer look at the many intricacies of the phosphagen system.

What Is the Phosphagen System?


Imagine for a moment that you’re at the starting line for the 100 meter dash. You crouch to the ground and secure your feet against the blocks. From the corner of your eye, you can see the official raise the starting gun. Seconds turn into minutes, and your heart is beating out of your chest as you prepare for the competition that lies ahead. On your marks, get set, GO! The starting gun fires.

You burst from the blocks with explosive power due to your well-established reaction time, catapulting forward as you race down the track. Other sprinters are running at your side using every ounce of strength to overtake you, but slowly you break away from the pack with each stride forward. In a matter of seconds, you’ve crossed the finish line, out of breath and completely drained. The race is over, and you’ve won.

How did it all happen so fast? In the blink of an eye, your body went from a standstill crouched position to throttling forward at top speed, careening down the track as countless muscle contractions and high-intensity energy production took hold. Believe it or not, this was only possible because of one crucial energy system: the phosphagen system.

During short-term, intense activities, the body relies on immediate sources of energy to generate large amounts of power within your muscles. To do so, your body requires an immediate source of ATP — that organic chemical we mentioned earlier whose role is to fuel muscle cells during everyday movements. So where exactly does this immediate ATP energy come from?

The energy we use in the phosphagen system comes from creatine phosphate, also referred to as phosphocreatine or PCr for short. Our body synthesizes creatine phosphate in one of two ways: either from the ingestion of meat, which contains creatine, or from the liver, kidneys, and pancreas, which produce creatine.

Once creatine is absorbed by the body, it’s stored in the skeletal muscles until we need it for energy. To produce creatine phosphate from creatine, our cells use a complex enzyme called creatine kinase that transfers a phosphate group to creatine, thus creating creatine phosphate.

After the body has synthesized creatine phosphate, it can then transfer that phosphate group to adenosine diphosphate, or ADP. ADP differs from ATP because it lacks one phosphate molecule. But this is a crucial point because ADP can’t be used for energy — only ATP can.

After creatine phosphate transfers a phosphate to ADP, it is converted into ATP and is then ready to be used as energy. Thus the phosphagen system is working in natural order, ready to meet our energy needs. But what makes this system so important? Let’s delve into the answer below.

The Importance of the Phosphagen System

Now that we have a basic understanding of how the phosphagen system operates, it’s time to explain why this system is so important.

Take a moment and think back to that scene we painted above where you found yourself sprinting down the track at lightning speed. If we were to classify that form of exercise as either a short-duration exercise or long-duration exercise, chances are you could guess that it would be rather short. It likely takes a mere 15 seconds to travel 100 meters, so it’s very different from the longer periods of time it would take to run a long distance like a mile.

Now think back to the three energy systems we described in detail when we introduced the phosphagen system. Alongside it were the other two energy systems that included anaerobic glycolysis and aerobic glycolysis.

Our body is a rather smart machine that determines when we should use each of these systems. And choosing which one we should use depends on the exercise at hand.

For instance, anaerobic glycolysis is perfectly suited to provide us with energy when we need a large burst of energy that may last anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes at a time. Yet because this system doesn’t use oxygen, lactic acid (one of the many by-products of activity) can build up in our muscles and make them sore, causing us to fatigue and tire.

Aerobic glycolysis, on the other hand, is a system that uses oxygen and is perfectly suited for low-intensity activities that require sustained energy production over longer periods of time, such as running long distances or hiking up the side of a mountain. The energy system our body decides to use is based not only on the exercise, but the exercise intensity as well.

The phosphagen system is so important among these three systems because it is the initial means of energy production that comes before anaerobic glycolysis. It is reserved for high-intensity activities like sprinting or strength training because the ATP it produces is readily available and quickly produced by the body.

Though the phosphagen system will use ATP quickly, ATP production will still remain high when we utilize this system as a means of working muscles via anaerobic exercise.

It should be noted, however, that all of these systems contribute to the overall amount of ATP levels we have during physical activity. Though we may be able to manipulate and biohack our body’s means of using energy, all three systems are still used just the same.

These systems, though different in how they provide energy, do not work independently of one another. Instead, they dominate at different times during a workout depending on the intensity and duration.

Understanding the Three Metabolic Pathways


While the phosphagen system is considered an immediate source of energy for our body, in truth we rely upon all three metabolic pathways to produce the necessary ATP molecules that fuel our everyday needs.

From sprinting to walking to simply getting out of bed, a constant stream of ATP is forever pushing us forward. The next time you line up for a sprint or prepare to deadlift a serious set of weights, remember the importance of the phosphagen system and the role it plays in your daily endeavors.

Reading time: 7 min

Each year, thousands of individuals take smart drugs to try and improve their brain power. Nootropics like Adderall, caffeine and Ginkgo biloba are common everywhere from college campuses to high-powered hedge fund offices. These drugs are purported to improve memory recall, increase learning rate and reduce cognitive decline. One of the most popular nootropics is piracetam. It’s a drug that claims to reduce seizures, improve learning disabilities and boost brain function.

Is it the real deal? Like many things that claim to be life-changing, nootropics seem too good to be true. Here, we’ll go over the basics of piracetam from how it works to its benefits and side effects. You’ll learn about the medical research behind the drug and discover other ways you can support your brain health.

What Is Piracetam?

Piracetam, also known by its chemical name 2-oxo-1-pyrrolidine acetamide, is a nootropic drug. Nootropics may help improve cognitive function and can come in the form of supplements, drugs and botanicals. Nootropics are often taken to enhance mood, boost memory recall and improve learning speed.

Research on the efficacy of nootropics is ongoing, but there are some studies that show nootropics may offer minor beneficial effects as a cognitive enhancement. We’ll go over some of that research below, but first, let’s look at the chemical makeup of piracetam.

Piracetam, known by the molecular formula C6H10N2O2, is part of a group of drugs known as racetams. These drugs share a common pyrrolidone nucleus — a 5-armed lactam or ring of hydrogen atom groups. Other drugs in this class include nootropics like aniracetam and phenylpiracetam as well as anticonvulsants.

The special structure of racetams means the drugs can directly impact brain receptors. Drugs like piracetam target AMPA receptors that play a key role in the transmission of signals across synapses in the brain. By stimulating or suppressing certain signal transmissions in the brain, piracetam may help to decrease cognitive impairment and improve mental acuity.

History of Piracetam

Piracetam was developed in the 1950s by Romanian chemist Corneliu E. Giurgea. The drug was derived from the nervous system amino acid known as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). It was designed to help ease symptoms associated with cognitive decline and seizure-inducing illnesses like epilepsy.

In 2004, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rejected the drug as a dietary supplement. The FDA argues these drugs may prevent individuals from seeking proper medical treatment or may be ineffective. Today, the nootropic can still be found online or in other supplements, though the product technically does not have approval or oversight from the FDA. Piracetam is sold in Europe under the names Nootropil and Lucetam. In Europe, the nootropic is used to treat memory loss, learning difficulties and muscle spasms.

The research on piracetam as an effective cognitive enhancer is limited. We’ll go over the purported benefits and cover the existing studies that show the efficacy of piracetam for certain cognitive disorders.

Uses and Health Benefits of Piracetam


While not a new drug, research on piracetam is still not prevalent. Most published piracetam studies are small and poorly designed. Many do not use control groups while others have sample sizes that can’t reflect the benefits of the drug in large populations.

Still, some of the research on this nootropic has discovered interesting potential. Here, we’ll break down the scientific evidence behind the most commonly purported piracetam benefits.

Brain Function

Many manufacturers and users call piracetam and other nootropics “smart drugs.” That term refers directly to the belief that taking nootropics can help boost brain power and improve things like memory recall and attention span.

While there is extensive research on the brain-boosting benefits of other nootropics such as bacopa, piracetam studies are less common. The studies that do exist, show promise when it comes to brain function enhancement. Research also indicates that piracetam may be more effective when paired with choline.

As humans age, cell membranes become more rigid, making it more difficult to process new information. Research also shows that cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease may reflect a decline in membrane fluidity. Some studies show piracetam may help to protect these cellular structures.

A study published in Biochemical Pharmacology investigated the effects of piracetam on cell membranes in rats, mice and the human brain in a laboratory setting. Researchers found that piracetam increased the fluidity of cell membranes in older rats and mice as well as aged human brains. By improving cell membrane fluidity, piracetam may make it easier for signals to transmit across pathways. The nootropic showed no improvements in young rats or mice.

Another study titled Mechanism of Action of Piracetam on Cerebral Circulation found that piracetam improved blood flow. Scientists believe the improved blood circulation may help to improve awareness and learning. Researchers also noted increased levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in healthy sleep, stress and anxiety.

Clinical human trials involving the use of piracetam use small study sets but have shown some promise in terms of brain function improvement. One such clinical trial published in Psychopharmacology examined 16 healthy adults for a two-week period. Participants took 400 milligrams of piracetam every day and were instructed to learn a set of new words.

After one week, there was no change in the learning rate. However, after two weeks, researchers found a significant improvement in the ability of participants to learn the word series. It’s important to note that the human study did not include a placebo group for comparison.

Another clinical trial compared the effects of piracetam with a placebo on 18 healthy individuals. During the four-week study, participants were presented with computer tasks. Researchers found that participants who took piracetam performed better on the computer tests compared to the placebo group.

Myoclonic Seizures

A myoclonic seizure occurs when muscle movement is triggered involuntarily. These seizures are unique in that they occur when the individual is awake and lucid. The seizures are relegated to the muscles and produce a shock or lightning-like movement. Small clinical studies show piracetam may help to reduce symptoms associated with these seizures.

A study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychology investigated the impacts of piracetam on 20 individuals with myoclonic seizures. Under the study design, participants took three different doses of piracetam or a placebo throughout the six-week study. Researchers found that all three doses of piracetam resulted in clinical improvement in motor function, handwriting skill and functional ability.

Another small study investigated the clinical use of piracetam in treating myoclonic seizures. The study assessed 11 patients with myoclonus epilepsy at a severity that disrupted daily activities. Treatment consisted of increasing doses of piracetam with the highest dose consisting of 20 milligrams per day. Researchers found that patients who took piracetam had significant improvement in symptoms 12 months later.

It’s important to point out that the study design allowed patients to continue taking their regular antiepileptic drugs throughout the duration of the trial. This may impact the outcomes, particularly since the study didn’t include a control group.

Learning Difficulties

Some people suffer from learning disabilities that make it difficult to grasp new information or retain details they’ve already learned. Other people suffer from impairments – like dyslexia — that make it difficult to master basic skills such as reading and writing.

Dyslexia affects the language processing area of the brain. People with dyslexia have a hard time identifying speech sounds and may frequently mix up letters or put them in the wrong place when writing. Limited research shows piracetam may help dyslexic students learn more efficiently.

One study examined the clinical applications of piracetam on dyslexia in 225 children. All participants suffered from reading dyslexia and were between the ages of seven and 12 years old. The study excluded children who demonstrated emotional problems, low intelligence and those who had recently taken psychoactive medications.

The children took piracetam or a placebo for the duration of the 36-week study. Researchers found that piracetam produced improvement in reading tests and reading comprehension compared to a placebo starting after 12 weeks of treatment.

A meta-analysis of 11 different studies comprising more than 600 participants also showed the potential of piracetam in treating learning disabilities. The review found that daily doses of up to 3.3 grams of piracetam improved reading ability more dramatically than a placebo.

Cognitive Decline

As we get older, our bodies and brains begin to break down. With each passing year, it’s harder to summit that mountain, learn a new language, or recall information. Cognitive decline is simply a fact of life for most people. Some research shows that piracetam and other nootropics may help to slow this cognitive decline.

Laboratory studies show that piracetam may help to improve mitochondrial function, slowing the breakdown of cognitive processes. A meta-analysis of 19 studies also found significant improvement in patients with dementia or reduced brain function when they took piracetam.

Another clinical trial published in 2000 examined the effects of piracetam on 104 patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Patients started with high doses of piracetam in the first four weeks and then received half the original dose for the remaining two weeks of the trial. Researchers found piracetam improved memory and concentration. These results were more pronounced in individuals who also suffered from depression.

Side Effects of Piracetam


While research is limited, most studies show few adverse effects associated with piracetam. Since this drug is not approved for use as a dietary supplement, it’s important to seek medical advice from a qualified healthcare professional before ordering these nootropics on the internet. Your healthcare provider can help you understand the benefits and side effects associated with nootropics like piracetam.

The most common side effects reported in studies of piracetam include nausea, headaches, diarrhea and exhaustion. Piracetam may also interact with blood thinners and other heart disease medications. Pregnant women or women who are nursing should not take piracetam.

Support Your Brain by Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Piracetam is a nootropic that is marketed as a brain-boosting drug. It’s not approved for use as a dietary supplement in the U.S., but it is prescribed for brain function in Europe. Research on its efficacy is limited, but there are still many things you can do to support your brain health.

Eating a nutritious diet ensures that your brain and body get many of the essential vitamins and minerals needed for optimal function. Keep in mind, that due to the current farming practices and highly depleted US soils, it is recommended to get regular blood work done, so you can detect should you have any mineral or vitamin deficiencies.

Additionally, exercising can also help improve circulation and train your mind and body for endurance and focus.

Getting the right amount of sleep can make the difference between clarity, mental focus and feeling sluggish. You can use the Biostrap Recover Set to track your sleep and get a better understanding of your health thanks to clinical-quality analysis of your heart, respiratory system and mental acuity.

Reading time: 4 min

If you’ve ever seen Pulp Fiction you’ll likely not forget the scene where Uma Thurman’s overdose is reversed with a shot of adrenaline to the heart; wide-eyed, she bolts upright with a gasp.

“I’m an adrenaline junkie,” people say, as they thrill-seek their way across the globe, bungee jumping, diving off cliffs, swimming with sharks.  Drawn to danger, they revel in that heart-in-your-throat, blood pumping feeling.  Not everyone shares their enthusiasm.  But what is adrenaline, exactly? And what does it do?

What is Adrenaline?

One of the most interesting things about adrenaline,” says Baltimore endocrinologist Mansur Shimali, “is that it can be both a hormone, and a neurotransmitter.

Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, is our “fight-or-flight” hormone”, says Michael R. Rickels of University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine.  “It increases heart rate and contractility in order to get our blood pumping and oxygen to our muscles and brain under conditions of physiologic stress, and will help to maintain blood pressure during blood loss or dehydration.

Adrenaline is a survival hormone.  It helps us be fast or strong under threat.  When humans encounter danger, we have two options: fight off the predator, or run for the hills. Each of these responses requires muscle strength.  When our amygdala senses danger, it reaches out to the hypothalamus,  Adrenaline then triggers the physiological changes our body will need to attack, defend, or run away.  Even before we react, or choose a course of action, our heart is already rushing oxygenated blood to our muscles, so we’ll be ready.

On your mark, get set, Go!

In early humans, adrenaline provided a survival mechanism to fight off foes, and win competition for food, land or mates. But the adrenaline response is not limited to predator danger.

At the start of a sprint, as runners hear, “On your mark!  Get set!”, they crouch, ready to run.  Their hearts race. Their muscles twitch. Adrenaline is coursing through their blood, ensuring that when they hear the command “Go!” they are prepared to race for their lives (or at least a medal). Adrenaline powers our performance whether the external stressor is unexpected (a pouncing tiger), sought-after (hang-gliding) or self-imposed (athletic competitions or haunted houses).

Effects of Adrenaline?

The immediate impact of an adrenaline surge:

  • Eyes dilate.
  • Heart beats faster.
  • Sweat increases.
  • Bronchioles dilate (so we can get more oxygen).
  • Blood vessels dilate (enlarge) in our muscles.
  • Blood vessels constrict in our digestive tract to slow digestion.
  • Kidneys make more renin (to increase blood pressure).
  • Glucose production increases, for energy.

Each of these responses is tailored to focus the body’s resources on survival.

Where does adrenaline come from?

Adrenaline is a creation of the nervous system.

The human nervous system is divided into two sections:

  • central nervous system
  • peripheral nervous system

The peripheral nervous system has two subsystems:

  • somatic nervous system (our voluntary movements).
  • autonomic nervous system (unconscious operation of  heart, digestion and breathing).

The autonomic nervous system has three components:

  • sympathetic (stimulates ‘fight or flight’).
  • parasympathetic (“breed and feed” or ‘rest and digest’).
  • Enteric (“second brain”).

Sympathetic Nervous System (Fight or Flight)

Our sympathetic nervous system is the center of our ‘fight or flight’ response, that ancient reaction to danger which enabled our ancestors to outrun, outmaneuver and outsmart predators.

The sympathetic nervous system is always mildly activated, ready. It manages stress, and returns the body to homeostasis, through the activation (or inactivation) of the adrenal gland.

Adrenal Gland

Adrenaline is manufactured within our adrenal glands. There are two.

Each adrenal gland sits atop a kidney. (The word adrenal literally means at (ad) the kidney (renal).

The adrenal gland has two sections.

  • Adrenal cortex (outer portion)
  • Adrenal medulla (inner portion)

The adrenal cortex produces cortisol (another stress hormone), which regulates metabolism.  Aldosterone, which helps control blood pressure, is also secreted here.

The adrenal medulla.  It’s here that adrenaline (a catecholamine:) is generated to help you fight tigers, or meet that deadline. Unlike the adrenal cortex, the adrenal medulla is not essential to human life.  The adrenal medulla connects to the sympathetic nervous system via a sympathoadrenal system that regulates the stress response.

Adrenaline and Diabetes

But adrenaline is more than a spur to physical exertion.  “Adrenal hormones also regulate salt and water balance in the human body,“  says Dr. Shimali, “They do that by signaling to the kidneys.

Adrenaline also affects metabolism”, says Dr. Rickels, “releasing fatty acids from fat tissue that our muscles can burn, and releasing glucose from our liver that on which our brain depends, and so helps to maintain blood glucose levels during prolonged fasting or periods of famine.

This is especially significant for diabetics. “Adrenaline features prominently in the defense against low blood glucose (hypoglycemia)”, says Dr. Rickels, “and is thus critical for patients with insulin-dependent diabetes to help them avoid severe insulin reactions that can result in loss-of-consciousness, or seizures.”

Other health applications

But there are medical applications as well. Supplemental adrenaline is used widely, for a variety of reasons, in sometimes unexpected ways.  Did you ever sit in the dentist’s chair, lip puffy with novocaine, heart pounding as the dentist approached you with a drill?  It might not be your fear itself, making your heart pound. Dentists add epinephrine (adrenaline) to novocaine, to staunch bleeding and make the effects last longer.

Adrenaline (epinephrine) has also saved countless lives by reversing anaphylactic shock from allergic reactions. It restarts hearts after cardiac arrest.  It is used daily to ease breathing in asthmatics or children with croup.  It reverses blood pressure due to blood loss.  Spikes in adrenaline have also been linked to early morning cardiac events. Adrenaline even plays a role in our circadian rhythm  Despite this significant impact on medicine, no Nobel Prize was ever awarded in connection with adrenaline’s discovery.

It’s a hormone. It’s a neurotransmitter. It’s a life-saving intervention. It’s a blast! For something deemed ‘non-essential to human life, adrenaline certainly has a key role to play in our physical performance, stress mediation, and the quality of our life.

So when confronted with danger, whether we decide to fight or run, the physiological changes are the same. Cowards and warriors alike have adrenaline to thank for fueling choices made in an instant. And that adrenaline rush you feel? Some people even pay for that.

Reading time: 5 min

Have you ever blocked someone on social media so they couldn’t send you a message? GABA, an amino acid, works a lot like this feature. It prevents certain brain signals — most notably fear and stress — from reaching your brain and wreaking havoc throughout your nervous system.

This is why people who suffer from chronic stress and anxiety disorders use GABA to find relief. But that’s only half the story, and it’s important to understand how GABA works in the brain if you’re interested in its effects.

So what is GABA and what does GABA do to the brain? Read on to find out the life-changing possibilities of adding GABA to your wellness routine.

What Is GABA?

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is an amino acid and a primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. Ordinary neurotransmitters send chemical signals to the brain to elicit certain responses that keep the body safe and healthy.

GABA is considered an inhibitory neurotransmitter because, instead of sending a signal to nerve cells, it prevents a signal from being sent. There are two main types of GABA, GABAA and GABAB, and both play an important role in mood regulation. GABA attaches to protein receptors in the brain called GABA receptors to slow or inhibit activity, says Dr. Michael Breus, The Sleep Doctor.

“GABA’s big role in the body is to reduce the activity of neurons in the brain and central nervous system, which in turn has a broad range of effects on the body and mind, including increased relaxation, reduced stress, a more calm, balanced mood, alleviation of pain, and a boost to sleep,” he explains.

So what kind of activity does GABA keep from reaching the brain? Think excitatory neurotransmitters — anxiety, stress, and fear are all signals that GABA blocks. Instead of allowing these messages to reach brain cells, GABA binds to GABA receptors to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, improve mood, and boosts social skills.

Most of us aren’t new to the effects of GABA. Alcohol is a GABA activator — that’s why it makes us feel so happy and social (if only for a short while). Anti-anxiety drugs also bind to GABA. In fact, most of the leading drugs prescribed to treat anxiety are GABA activators.

What Does GABA Do?


Since GABA soaks up adrenaline and related stress chemicals, people with low GABA will feel the effects of stress and anxiety more intensely and more often. Low GABA activity has been shown to exacerbate mental illnesses, including depression, social anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Symptoms of low GABA include feeling disorganized, having racing thoughts, increased heart rate and being unable to relax or get restful sleep.

In addition to influencing anxiety, low GABA plays a role in certain medical disorders. Seizures and ADD are both linked to low GABA, for example. People who have Illnesses that affect their motor skills, like Parkinson’s, also tend to have low GABA levels.

People with low GABA activity can benefit from supplements or adding GABA to their diet. By switching the brain back into low gear, GABA can have a profound effect on a person’s feelings. It induces a calm and relaxed emotional state in a sea of worry.

GABA for Anxiety

The role of GABA in anxiety cannot be understated. According to a 2019 study published in Cellular Neuroscience, new approaches to GABA treatment have the potential to reduce major depressive disorder (MDD) even more quickly than current anti-depressants on the market. While it’s clear that GABA promoters reduce anxiety, it’s important to take care when considering such medications. Using synthetic drugs may result in additional side effects that can exacerbate stress or lead to other struggles.

GABA for Sleep

The effects of GABA can also improve sleep (common sleeping pills like Ambien also bind to GABA receptors). Sleep research shows that people who suffer from insomnia have 30% lower levels of GABA in their brains compared to people without sleep disturbances. Moreover, these low GABA levels persisted even after waking, confirming that poor sleep plays a role in daily mood.

Though it was a small study, these results are promising. They suggest that even people without insomnia or other sleep disorders may find that increasing GABA reduces daytime sleepiness.

GABA for Gut Health

The gut and the brain are inextricably connected, so it’s no surprise that GABA affects digestion. Dr. Will Cole, a functional medicine expert and natural healthcare advocate, explains that improperly-functioning GABA cells in the brain can wreak havoc in the gut.

“Your intestinal lining also has its own GABA receptors, which help to digest food and regulate gastrointestinal activity by producing gastric acid.”

He adds that certain bacteria strains have been shown to boost GABA receptors in the gut, suggesting the importance of maintaining a healthy gut microbiome.

Adding GABA to Your Life


Introducing more GABA into your life through dietary changes or supplements has the potential to reduce the constant state of stress and anxiety in the brain and restore homeostasis. Even if you don’t suffer from anxiety, supplementing with GABA can make you more resilient against stressful events when they occur. And GABA may also protect you from diseases like Parkinson’s and other motor skills or mood-related disorders.

GABA Supplements

GABA supplements have risen in popularity as an alternative to common prescription antidepressants. Picamilon is a popular synthetic drug that crosses the blood-brain barrier and is converted to GABA to induce a calming a soothing effect. Phenibut is similar, yet with stronger anti-anxiety effects. It’s unregulated in the United States.

Despite the increasing demand for manmade GABA producers, consumers should proceed with caution. Since there isn’t enough research to determine the long-term effects of GABA supplements and whether or not they cause dependency, using natural brain-enhancers to promote GABA instead may be a safer alternative.

Herb and Root Sources of GABA


There are many naturally-occurring sources of GABA, aside from those found in food. Take the herb valerian root, for example. It’s common as a natural sleep and relaxation enhancer but has also been shown to increase GABA. Kava is another popular treatment for anxiety that has been shown to have a strong calming effect. Studies show that kava makes people feel more relaxed and social because it binds to GABA receptors, producing a sedative effect.

Further research confirms that botanical anxiolytics (herbs that treat anxiety) stimulate GABA receptors. Specifically, St John’s Wort and Ginkgo Biloba were found to reduce the effects of psychiatric disorders, including anxiety.

“In this regard, anxiety may be managed without the harsh side effects of pharmaceuticals using nutritional and botanical treatment as well as lifestyle changes,” write the study’s authors. Lemon balm, ashwagandha, and jasmine have all been cited as additional GABA enhancers.

Dietary Sources of GABA

We’ve touched on the importance of gut bacteria in maintaining healthy GABA levels. That’s why adding more healthy bacteria into your diet is a smart way to support GABA production. Studies show that fermented foods like Miso, kimchi, and tempeh may result in the direct production of GABA.

Other studies show that consuming certain GABA-promoting foods, rich in healthy bacteria, helped people fall asleep faster. By decreasing inflammation, reducing intestinal permeability (leaky gut), and improving gut-to-brain communication, the microbiota found in these foods also have the potential to restore gut health overall.

Get More GABA to Feel Good

It’s clear that GABA plays an essential role in helping us feel relaxed and content. Having low GABA can cause a host of negative effects — from depression and anxiety to seizures and Parkinson’s disease. Fortunately, nature provides a host of GABA supplements that can be ingested through herbal remedies or nourishing foods. Synthetic GABA sources are also available but should be used with caution and with professional medical advice. Adding GABA to your life can help you get healthy, reduce panic, and invite more calm and serenity into your daily experience.

Reading time: 5 min

The body utilizes three principal macronutrients to ensure it remains properly fueled at all times: carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Each of these fuel sources burn off on a predictable spectrum where each source serves a specific purpose.

Carbohydrates, for instance, act as an immediate fuel source that we use often throughout the day. Fats act as a reserve fuel source and are burned during bouts of low-intensity physical exercise or if our stores of carbohydrates are depleted. And finally, proteins are used to build and repair tissue, as well as make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals.

But what would happen if we chose to manipulate how our body uses its fuel? Often we do this by employing diets that limit our intake of certain macronutrients, thus making us more dependent on the other macronutrients. One of these diets is called the ketogenic diet — a popular diet that stresses eating an extremely limited amount of carbs (or no carbs at all) in order to burn more fats.

As a result of the ketogenic diet, or keto diet for short, the liver breaks down the fatty acids in fats, and creates ketone bodies as a result. These ketone bodies are individual, water-soluble compounds that serve as fuel for the brain, heart, and muscles in times when carbohydrates are in short supply. And the predominant ketone body that accounts for upwards of 78% of all ketone bodies in the blood is called beta-hydroxybutyrate, or BHB for short.

So why is this ketone body so important, and why do we produce so much of it? What purpose does it serve, and why should we care how much our bodies are making? To find out more, let’s dive deeper into the world of fats, ketone bodies, and BHB.

Let’s Talk About Ketosis

Now before we take a blind leap into the world of Beta-hydroxybutyrate, we need to first discuss the normal metabolic process of ketosis. Ketosis occurs whenever the body is running low on glucose from carbs, and therefore, can’t rely on glucose as a source of energy. At times like this, the body shifts to burning fats instead, and the process of ketosis takes place.

When the body burns fats for fuel, a build-up of acids called ketone bodies (or ketones, for short) will accumulate and must then be converted into fuel. Ketosis is often considered a healthy process because it induces weight loss, lowers blood sugar levels, and reduces seizures in epileptic children. Yet for a small portion of the population, ketosis can pose a risk if left uncontrolled.

For instance, those who suffer from type 1 diabetes can encounter diabetic ketoacidosis, a complication in which the body’s insulin deficiency causes ketone bodies to build up in the blood. When this occurs, the blood becomes acidic and systems within the body can’t function properly.

But for others, ketosis serves as a weight-loss method and can even be rather healthy. When ketosis takes place, BHB is produced as a result.

So What Is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate and What Does It Do?

As stated in brief detail above, BHB stands for beta-hydroxybutyrate, and it serves us as the most abundant ketone body of the three that are produced by the liver during the process of ketosis.

Beta-hydroxybutyrate is so special because of what it can do when our accessible calories from carbs run low. These calories may run low for a number of different reasons that include exercise, fasting, caloric restriction, or following a special diet plan like the keto diet. But when they do run low, BHB levels increase in the brain, heart, muscles, and other tissue.

So what does BHB do exactly? Ultimately, it serves as a crucial source of fuel for countless systems within our body, and provides us with a number of potential benefits. Let’s discuss what those benefits are in more detail.

Benefits of BHB


As the primary ketone body found in the blood during the process of ketosis, BHB serves us principally as a fuel source. During the process of breaking down this ketone, BHB is used as fuel by the mitochondria after being converted into acetoacetate and then to acetyl-CoA, an enzyme that works endlessly during metabolic processes to provide us with energy.

Additionally, beta-hydroxybutyrate acts as a powerful energy source for our brain. Because BHB can easily cross the blood-brain barrier, it’s particularly well-suited to providing the brain with energy. It should be noted, however, that BHB does more for our brains than simply provide them with fuel.

Beta-hydroxybutyrate can also trigger the release of chemicals called neurotrophins, which support neuron function and synapse formation. Research indicates that one of the neurotrophins BHB triggers is associated with cognitive enhancement, alleviation of depression, and reduction in anxiety

Measuring BHB in the Blood

In order to ensure the body remains in a state of nutritional ketosis, those who are strongly committed to the ketogenic diet need to regularly measure blood ketone levels to verify the presence of ketones in the blood, urine, and breath.

To do this, we can employ the same equipment used during diabetes care. A handheld blood glucose monitor is the most commonly used tool for the job because it has the ability to measure blood ketone levels with ease. And of the three ketone bodies that exist (BHB, Acetone, and Acetoacetate), BHB is the only ketone body that can be measured in the blood with a simple finger prick.

Acetoacetate is measured in the urine with a dipstick device, as urine ketones are commonly excreted during ketosis. And Acetone is measured in the breath (though this is more difficult to measure and a fairly uncommon thing to track even for the most dedicated keto practitioners).

Using Ketone Supplements


Employing low-carbohydrate diets or limiting carbohydrate intake are not the only ways to induce a state of ketosis. While we may consume high-fat foods as a means of lowering glucose levels endogenously (internally), we can also consume ketone supplements that seek to mimic ketosis and raise blood glucose levels without actually having to change our diet. These are called exogenous ketones.

There are two main forms of exogenous ketone supplements that seek to make this possible: ketone salts and ketone esters. Ketone salts are simply ketone bodies bound to a salt such as sodium, potassium, calcium, or magnesium. They’re most often found in powder form rather than mixed with liquid.

Ketone esters, on the other hand, are linked to a compound called an ester and are packaged in liquid form. These are used more commonly during research and aren’t as readily available as ketone salts.

The other primary reason we may use ketone supplements is in conjunction with the ketogenic diet. By taking these supplements, we actually stand to reduce the time it takes to enter a state of ketosis, which lessens the unpleasant side effects that can come from transitioning from a standard, higher-carb diet to a ketogenic one.

Potential Side Effects of the Ketogenic Diet and Ketone Supplements

As is the case with most diets and dietary supplements, side effects may occur and should be taken into account. For instance, the ketogenic diet may induce what’s known as the “keto flu.” Symptoms of this flu include constipation, headache, bad breath, muscle cramps, and diarrhea. Though these symptoms will subside over time.

Exogenous ketone supplements, on the other hand, may suppress appetite or even inhibit fat breakdown. Evidence does not fully support the use of ketone supplements, and further research is necessary to ensure they’re safe for long-term use and perform the tasks they claim.

And because ketone supplements are attached to a salt, they actually contain calories. As a result of this, you may be consuming more calories as you take repeated doses of ketone salts throughout the day to remain in a state of ketosis.

Beta-hydroxybutyrate, Ketosis, and You

When all is said and done, undergoing the process of ketosis allows your body to produce and utilize the three main ketone bodies that are fit for fuel. Of these three, BHB is a powerful ketone body that can provide a number of helpful benefits should you choose to utilize the ketogenic diet as a means of biohacking your body and losing weight. That said, it’s important to speak with your healthcare provider to determine whether entering a state of ketosis is right for you.

Should you receive the all-clear to adopt the ketogenic diet, remember the side effects that may occur and be prepared to experience the “keto flu.” And as your body receives fuel from those powerful ketone bodies, also remember to thank beta-hydroxybutyrate for all the good it can do along the way.

Reading time: 5 min

Too much salt is bad for you. Everyone knows this. Lose the salt shaker, we’ve been told, by our doctors. Our mothers. The government. Our trainers. Turns out, maybe we should take this advice with, er, a grain of salt. That is, with skepticism.

In a new book The Salt Fix author James DiNicolantonio comes out swinging. Subtitled Why the Experts Got It All Wrongand How Eating More Might Save Your Life, the book lays out the case that medicine has been ignoring its own research. Study after study, he says, shows the dangers of salt consumption are exaggerated, the risks of a low salt diet understated, and, when it comes to government recommendations? The numbers are just plain wrong.

What is Salt?

Salt (NaCl or sodium chloride) is a mineral made up of equal parts sodium and chloride. Most commercial salt is harvested through mining or solution mining existing salt deposits. Salt occurs naturally throughout the world and is necessary for all life.

Do a quick Google search on ‘tips for heart health”. Nearly every search result will tell you to reduce or eliminate the salt in your diet. Authorities firmly on the no-such-thing-as-good-salt bandwagon include Harvard the British National Health Service, the CDC Centers for Disease Controls and Prevention (CDC), and the American Heart Association. The CDC has launched a Sodium Reduction Initiative.

And for people with existing high blood pressure, salt is a serious irritant. Salt reduces their kidneys’ ability to remove water. This extra fluid strains blood vessels and can elevate blood pressure further.

What’s the deal with blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the measurement of blood moving through the circulatory system. It is measured by two numbers: systolic (the top number, is the pressure in your blood vessels while your heart beats) and diastolic (the bottom number, is the pressure as your heart rests between beats). A normal range is systolic under 120 mmHg and diastolic reading under 80 mmHg. (120/80.) Hypertension (high blood pressure) is diagnosed when systolic exceeds 140 mmHg. Or diastolic tops 90 mmHg.

High blood pressure increases the long-term heart risk and stroke. Dangerously high blood pressure raises the immediate risk of stroke, heart attack, organ failure or death. Low blood pressure can also signify a problem. Plummeting blood pressure from any cause is a life-threatening emergency.

Blood pressure is affected by the heartbeat and the width and elasticity of our arteries. Salt and potassium also work together to regulate blood pressure and circulating blood volume.

Without salt, our bodies could not sustain blood volume. Our blood vessels would literally collapse, leading to circulatory collapse, hypovolemic shock and eventually death.

How Much Salt is Too Much?

Nutrition and health are closely related. Given the demonstrated connection between high blood pressure and poor cardiac outcomes, health officials have sought behavioral interventions to lower blood pressure. Salt, known to raise blood pressure in people with already high blood pressure, was an obvious target. Salt began to be seen as bad in general. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend less than 2.3 grams of sodium per day. The average American now eats 3.4 grams.

Some people are salt sensitive. High salt intake raises their blood pressure. A low salt diet decreases their blood pressure. Other folks are salt resistant. It’s not clear why. There is no unified theory of what causes high blood pressure. We do know that there is a connection between blood pressure and the ability to maintain core body temperature.

But for people who aren’t salt sensitive, restricting salt intake may not make sense. DiNicolantonio, author of The Salt Fix, says our relationship with salt is ancient as we “evolved from the briny sea”. He posits that healthy adults should actually be consuming 3 to 6 grams, more than double the current recommended limit.

Salt plays a key role in blood volume, hydration, electrolyte balance and general homeostasis.

Salt and our resting heart rate

When exercising, a healthy heart can even double its heart rate and still not cause an unhealthy rise in blood pressure. Blood vessels just get larger (dilate) to allow increased flow. But what about our resting heart rate?

Resting heart rate is a key measure of our overall health. The lower the better. DiNicolantonio is a cardiovascular research scientist and doctor of pharmacy, We reached out to him to ask about the impact of salt on our resting heart rates. “Low-salt diets have been found to increase heart rate in humans in several studies,” he said.

What about heart rate variability?

Heart rate variability (HRV) is the diversity of spacing between each heartbeat. High HRV is a marker of cardiac health. People with high blood pressure have decreased HRV. So what is the role of salt intake in HRV?

Sodium balance and related changes in plasma volume help determine our HRV. High salt diets might affect people with high blood pressure differently, including their HRV. “The data on heart rate variability are less consistent,” says DiNicolantonio, “but it is possible that by chronically stimulating the sympathetic nervous system low-salt diets may lead to altered heart rate variability.”

One study of heart rate variability centered on salt sensitivity and blood pressure. Researchers found that the body makes adjustments to regulate blood pressure. When salt intake is low, the heart and peripheral vasculature increase cardiac activity and vascular tone. When salt intake is high, the body decreases cardiac activity.

New areas of study

In 2014 The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) convened to examine Salt’s Effect on Human Health. This working group “identified scientific gaps and challenges and highlighted some opportunities for scientific inquiry and technical development” concluding, “the initial research that implicated salt as a factor in important diseases points to the need to further illuminate the biological mechanisms and pathological processes to which salt may contribute”.

Specific areas for further study include the role of hypertension in autoimmune diseases; salt-sensitive hypertension; how we store salt in our skin; how to determine salt sensitivity at an individual level; new technologies to measure sodium concentrations in human tissue; and even a Sodium MRI to help reveal the role of salt in health and disease.

DiNicolantonio links low-sodium diets to medical risks including obesity, heart failure, and kidney disease, concluding “overconsumption of salt is not the primary cause of hypertension”.

“Salt restriction. “ he says, “may actually worsen overall cardiovascular health. and may lead to other unintended consequences (insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and obesity).”

He just performed an overview of existing research entitled, Is Salt a Culprit or an Innocent Bystander in Hypertension? A Hypothesis Challenging the Ancient Paradigm The study highlights a substantial body of peer-reviewed evidence, and concludes that high salt consumption is not always bad, and low salt diets are not always a panacea. Salt intake is a proven risk for folk who already have high blood pressure. The rest of us could be eating salt (within reason). A low salt diet, says DiNicolantonio, is even potentially heart harmful.

So who’s right? Looks like the debate will continue for a little while longer. In the meantime, know your risk factors, check your blood pressure, monitor your heart rate, get plenty of exercise, and don’t go overboard on the salt. But you might not need to skimp on it either.

Reading time: 4 min


“Spaghetti LEANguine” – that’s what kids used to call Sam back in middle school. He always stood with his back hunched, towering above all the other teenagers around him. Right now, he’s 27 years old, stands 6 feet tall, and works at one of Fortune 500’s companies.

No one has called Sam ‘spaghetti linguine’ in years. But on occasion, he heard this remark from a new acquaintance:

“Wow. You are so tall. And SO skinny.”

He hated his scrawny and lanky body. He loathed being introduced to new people – he knew it was only a matter of time before he’d hear that dreaded comment he was all too familiar with his entire life. Last year, he decided enough was enough. He hit the gym nearly every day, strength trained hard, and dialed in on his diet. Over time, he steadily gained lean muscle and dropped his body fat percentage below 10%.

Pete (a short, pudgy 29 year old guy) is Sam’s coworker. They worked in the same department and ran into each other on a daily basis. Pete noticed Sam’s transformation and was shocked by Sam’s progress.

“Sam, what’s your secret? Tell me EXACTLY what you did because I want to lose my belly fat and get into better shape.”

Enthusiastically, Sam shared with Pete his gym routine, what to eat, and what not to eat. Pete followed Sam’s advice and adhered to all directions – especially Sam’s diet tips.

After 3 months, Pete saw his own transformation. But not in the way you would expect.

Pete felt strong – He was able to lift a lot heavier than before. But he didn’t look leaner. In fact, he appeared a bit fatter.

Pete was incredibly upset and demoralized: “I followed everything Sam told me to do! I worked out regularly. I ate clean! I ate tons of chicken, rice, and broccoli! Why don’t I have a fit body?”

Why didn’t Pete getting the same results? What went wrong?

The simple answer: calories.

Calories and Macros

But let’s investigate this conundrum in detail. Calories is only one puzzle piece to the big picture.

Another crucial factor that must be accounted for is macronutrients. Counting macronutrients (generally referred to as macros) has gained popularity over the past few years. There’s even a niche for this lifestyle called IIFYM – If It Fits Your Macros.

Here’s the cold-hard truth: there is no perfect macro ratio. The human body is complex. A plethorna of variables (such as sleep, accurate activity tracking, the quality of the food you eat, etc.) contribute to long term changes. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Everyone has different genes, lifestyles, and goals. The best approach to figuring out your macro ratio is to follow a guideline (based on your phenotype) and tweak it as you go.

But before figuring out which macro ratio is optimal for you, it’s important to understand what macronutrients are and how they function in our bodies.

What Are Macronutrients?

Macros are the chemical compounds you ingest. When you look at a nutrition label, it displays how many grams of each macro – carbohydrates, proteins, and fats – are in a single serving. Macros plays numerous roles in the optimization of the body. Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS, explains that “We cannot live without all three of these macronutrients even for a short period of time, as they’re needed for everything from growth and development to sustaining circulation and providing the brain with enough energy for cognitive functioning.”

Major function of each macronutrient:

  • Carbohydrates (glucose) –  body’s #1 source for energy. Used immediately. Stored away in muscles or fat for later use
  • Proteins (amino acids) – builds and maintains lean muscle mass
  • Fats (fatty acids) – regulates hormones

All macros fuel our bodies with energy.

  • 1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories
  • 1 gram of protein = 4 calories
  • 1 gram of fat = 9 calories

From a weight gain or weight loss perspective, macronutrients correlate with calories. Body composition, on the other hand, may be altered by macro ratios.

The Best Macro Ratio Based on Your Phenotype

The physique of a 21-year-old, male football player looks significantly different from a sedentary, 52-year-old female. Every person fits into one of these body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Some individuals are a combination, depending on their body composition. Therefore, it would be ineffective to apply a ‘one shoe fits all’ method to macro ratios. You may have to modify your macro numbers based on how your body reacts to different macronutrient percentages.

But everyone has to begin from square one. Where you start is just as important as taking the first step. These 3 macro ratios (based on your phenotype) can help save time and errors in your health and fitness journey. Obi Obadike, MS., ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer and Nutrition Specialist, recommends the macro ratios listed below as a foundation.

Body Type #1: Ectomorph

From the story above, Sam represents the classic ectomorph.

  • Skinny
  • Narrow frame
  • Has difficulty gaining weight (muscle or fat)
  • Speedy metabolism
  • High carbohydrate tolerance

Macro Ratio for Ectomorphs

  • 55% carbohydrates
  • 25% proteins
  • 20% fats

Body Type #2: Mesomorph

Mesomorphs have an athletic and muscular body.

  • Wider shoulders & smaller waist
  • Gains muscle easily
  • Can gain fat more easily than an ectomorph
  • Symmetrical frame

Macro Ratio for Mesomorphs

  • 40% carbohydrates
  • 30% proteins
  • 30% fats

Body Type #3: Endomorph

Using the story from above once again – Pete represents the endomorph.

  • Gains fat easily
  • Gains muscle easily
  • Larger frame
  • Has difficulty losing weight
  • Low carbohydrate tolerance

Macro Ratio for Endomorphs

  • 25% carbohydrates
  • 35% proteins
  • 40% fats

If your body type is similar to Pete’s, don’t eat like Sam. That’s a formula for disaster.

Tools to Help Configure Your Macro Numbers

Calculating Your Macro Numbers

It is entirely possible to calculate out by hand the number of carb, protein, and fat grams you need each day. This allows you flexibility and complete autonomy over the numbers you’d like to input.

But this is also time-consuming and tedious for many. There are plenty of tools online to compute your macro numbers. Many of these sites also take your goals (fat loss, maintenance, or muscle mass gain) into consideration. Here’s a couple:

  • If It Fits Your Macros – This calculator is the most comprehensive if you’ve never calculated your macros before.
  • Katy Hearn Fit – This one allows you to customize your nutrition plan. You can choose how many grams of protein and fat you’d like to allocate per lb. of body weight.
Reading time: 5 min

Slowing down mentally and physically is a normal side effect of aging. But what if someone told you that these unwanted experiences could be greatly reduced or even delayed? Enter: myelin repair. As more studies reveal the role of myelinating cells in a healthy brain and body, more people are asking how to increase myelin to boost their longevity.

So what exactly is myelin and the myelin sheath, and what do these things mean for living your best life? Here, we outline everything you need to know about myelin loss and myelin repair, including how to create new myelin for a sharper, healthier, and longer life.

Myelin and the Nervous Systems


Learning how to increase myelin starts by learning the role of myelin in the body’s nervous systems.

The central nervous system, or CNS, comprises the brain and spinal cord, and is responsible for controlling all major bodily functions. Voluntary movements, speech, thought, memory, and spatial awareness are all controlled by the CNS.

In contrast, the peripheral nervous system comprises all of the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord, such as those that connect the limbs and organs.

The nervous system gets its name from neurons, which are responsible for transmitting electrochemical signals throughout the body. Neurons send messages from the brain to enable us to think, act, feel, and interact with the world around us.

What Is the Myelin Sheath?

So where does myelin fit in? Myelin in the central nervous system is produced by oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, also called oligodendrocyte precursor cells or OPCs. Oligodendrocytes are a type of glial cell that helps create the myelin sheath, the fatty coating around nerve cells keeping them insulated and protected.

Schwann cells, located in the peripheral nervous system, also support axonal myelin formation. Myelinated axons exist primarily in the brain’s white matter. Myelin is critical for quickly conducting messages throughout both nervous systems.

When functioning properly, myelin protects nerve cells as they transmit signals from the brain to organs, muscles, and systems throughout the body. The myelin sheath, or myelin membrane, also ensures that impulses are effectively delivered from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body.

Myelin Loss, Multiple Sclerosis, and Aging

Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that attacks the myelin sheath in the central nervous system. Myelin damage, also called demyelination, leaves the nerve cells unprotected, where they then experience damage. In addition to causing damage along the nerve fibers, MS also halts new myelin production by destroying OPCs.

Myelin loss leads to delays in messaging from the nerve impulse, which results in the common symptoms of MS: vision problems (due to optic nerve issues), tingling, numbness, fatigue, and dizziness.

Loss of myelin also occurs naturally as a result of aging, as explained in a study on myelin and nerve fibers. Changes in nerve impulse conduction in the central nervous system is one reason why aging is associated with cognitive decline. Poor eating, exercising, and sleeping habits also play a role in increased demyelination, as explained further on.

How to Increase Myelin


Heavily myelinated neural pathways function up to 300 times faster than cells that have experienced neurodegeneration. This helps us move more quickly and make smarter decisions. These optimized neural pathways also help us become more emotionally agile, boosting our resiliency against life’s greatest challenges.

It’s clear that myelin is important for living a healthy and fulfilled life. But in some cases, such as an immune system disorder like multiple sclerosis or other demyelinating diseases, demyelination is unavoidable.

The good news? The same study we mentioned earlier on myelin and nerve fibers revealed that OPCs increase with age, suggesting that myelin production can still occur at any point throughout our lifetimes, even in spite of neurodegenerative diseases. Further studies have shown that the act of repairing myelin (remyelination) can be increased through lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and cognitive stimulation.

Exercise and Myelin Repair

Exercise is one of the best ways to ignite remyelination and keep your neurons firing quickly and efficiently. In addition to improving functions of the central nervous system, exercise has been shown to mitigate the negative impact of diet on the central nervous system, according to the Mayo Clinic.

This was revealed in a myelin study by Isobel A. Scarisbrick, which showed that a high-fat diet combined with a sedentary lifestyle can reduce myelin-forming cells, contributing to demyelination and associated cognitive decline.

Adding exercise to this high-fat intake, however, has been proven to increase myelin production. Specifically, the seven-week study on mice showed that frequent exercise training has the ability to boost myelin protein expression, even alongside a high-fat diet.

“Our results suggest that consuming high levels of saturated fat in conjunction with a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a reduction in myelin-forming cells. But exercise training can help reverse this process and promote the myelinogenesis necessary to meet increased energy demands,” says Dr. Scarisbrick.

Similar findings were displayed in a study on patients with multiple sclerosis. Published in the Multiple Sclerosis Journal, this study found that measures of overall functioning improved in patients after exercising with free weights, elastic bands, and exercise machines over the course of 24 weeks.

MRI findings also showed that certain areas of the brain thickened, suggesting preservation or regeneration of brain tissue, in 19 of 74 examined brain areas.

Increasing Myelin With Diet

Most people understand that diet plays a critical role in aging. But can it also contribute to increased myelin? A study on gut bacteria in adult mice suggests that probiotics and prebiotics have the ability to alter the gene expression associated with remyelination.

The tests revealed that differences in mice’s microbiomes led to differences in gene expression. Mice that weren’t exposed to certain germs had greater expression in the genes responsible for structuring, regulating, and forming myelin. This suggests that there could be a relationship between gut biome composition and myelin production, and that foods rich in healthy bacteria could aid in achieving the ideal levels.

Dietary supplements have also been shown to boost myelin, as explained by board-certified internist and health care provider Colleen Doherty.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is thought to aid in remyelination because it assists in regulating the role of oligodendrocytes (which, as we’ve learned, aid in producing myelin). Specifically, vitamin D aids in the maturation of these cells. This nutrient is primarily absorbed through the sun, but it can also be increased by consuming salmon, egg yolks, orange juice, and fortified foods.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids has been associated with improved MS symptoms too. Healthy fats play an important role in longevity and can be found in foods like salmon, chia seeds, flax seeds, soybeans, and walnuts. Healthy fats reduce demyelination because they replicate the fatty texture of myelin.

Cognitive Stimulation and Remyelination


Learning new habits and skills can aid in the generation of new myelin in the nervous system, according to Christine Comaford at SmartTribes Institute,

When we practice a new habit, we’re forging new neural pathways in the brain. Repeatedly firing signals down those pathways helps our body understand that this new habit is important.

“Repetition is key — myelin is living tissue: if you stop firing a pathway for 30 days, the myelin will start to break down,” Comaford adds.

She adds that, after persevering through the discomfort of starting a new habit, it’s important to repeat the behavior in quick bursts. Repairing myelin in the body is about quality, not quantity. Practicing for just 5 minutes a day can make all the difference when it comes to forming a new, myelin-boosting habit.

It doesn’t matter so much what activity you’re doing — learning anything from scuba diving to ice hockey to web design can create new pathways in the brain. Rather, it’s the rate at which you do it that determines your body’s ability to experience myelin regeneration.

Melatonin and Myelin Production

Melatonin, the hormone in your body that helps regulate your sleep and wake cycles, plays a role in myelin formation. Specifically, melatonin has been shown to decrease the inflammation that’s associated with demyelination. Exposing yourself to sunshine throughout the day can improve your circadian rhythms and help you achieve more restful sleep.

Adopting bedtime habits such as going to bed at the same time, eliminating late-night snacking, and reducing blue light exposure are all ways to boost melatonin production. Supplementing with magnesium and collagen may also help regulate melatonin production so that you can achieve more consistent sleep schedules that increase myelin-producing nights.

Increasing Myelin for a Healthier Life

While you can’t boost your myelin production in one day, following healthy habits can greatly improve the functioning of your neural pathways. By exercising regularly, learning new skills, and maintaining an active lifestyle, you’ll stay sharper and more mobile as time progresses.

Reading time: 5 min

Exercising, reducing stress, and maintaining a routine are all things that support a healthy sleep schedule. But did you know that nutrition also plays a role in sleep quality? Tryptophan, also known as L-tryptophan, is one nutrient that’s essential for regulating both sleep and mood.

While many people get tryptophan from their normal diets, others have great success when supplementing with L-tryptophan. Whether you’re struggling with sleep or know someone who is, here’s a look at the promising research behind supplementing with L-tryptophan for sleep and overall well-being.

What Is L-Tryptophan?

The body relies on amino acids for important functions like building proteins, regulating neurotransmitters, and regulating immune and metabolic functions.

While not all amino acids are critical to survival, there are nine essential amino acids that the body requires to function at optimal health. Essential amino acids cannot be created by the body and must instead be ingested through diet.

Tryptophan is one of these nine essential amino acids and can be found in common foods like turkey, fish, cheese, chicken, and eggs. Plant-based sources of tryptophan include soy and seeds, like pumpkin and sesame.

All humans unknowingly experience the effects of tryptophan on a daily basis. That’s because tryptophan is responsible for the production of niacin, melatonin, and serotonin. Tryptophan cannot produce niacin unless the body has enough Vitamin B6, Iron, and Riboflavin, yet the role of niacin as a B vitamin means it’s essential for creating energy from food nutrients.

Melatonin is key for regulating healthy sleep-wake cycles, and serotonin plays a role in both sleep and mood regulation. And since tryptophan is an essential amino acid, low L-tryptophan levels can have serious consequences for the mind and body. The primary side effect is decreased sleep quality and increased risk of mental health and mood disorders, including depression.

Benefits of L-Tryptophan Supplements for Sleep

There are many positive effects of L-tryptophan for sleep. Supplementing with L-tryptophan helps improve sleep because it increases melatonin and serotonin, which work in harmony to regulate a person’s sleep-wake cycle.

A large body of research shows that L-tryptophan can be helpful for improving sleep quality in people of all ages. For example, one study sought to determine if a tryptophan-rich breakfast (along with light therapy) could increase melatonin production to induce better sleep.

The results showed that consuming breakfast cereals high in L-tryptophan increased the efficiency of sleep while helping people sleep for a longer amount of time. The research also showed that L-tryptophan decreased sleeplessness during the night and reduced sleep latency — the amount of time it takes to fall asleep.

Similar results were discovered in a study on L-tryptophan and sleep. This research found that taking L-tryptophan supplements twice a day, at night and in the morning, greatly increased melatonin levels. As a result, subjects had improved sleep-wake cycle regulation and slept better.

Another controlled study on newborns tested the effects of 420 mg of L-tryptophan (per 2.2 lbs of body weight) in a bottle. The babies in this study experienced sleepiness sooner and slept for longer than usual, though pediatric use isn’t recommended.

The recommended dose of L-tryptophan for adults is 8-12 grams per day, and this total amount should be divided across three to four doses per day.

L-Tryptophan for Sleep Disorders

It’s clear that L-tryptophan can be helpful for improving sleep, but what about in the instance of chronic sleep disorders?

Scientific studies demonstrate that taking one gram of L-tryptophan before bed can support improved sleep for people with mild insomnia, while up to 15 grams can support severe insomnia, according to psychiatrist James Lake. He adds that people with sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea and narcolepsy, have reported better sleep quality after taking 400-600 grams of 5-HTP before bed.

These findings suggest that L-tryptophan and 5-HTP, respectively, can be used as sleep aids both in people with mild sleep problems and in those with more serious chronic conditions.

Moreover, since sleep and sleep disorders are often associated with mood disorders like stress and anxiety (insomnia can exacerbate stress and stress can cause insomnia), let’s take a look at the promising effects of 5-HTP and L-tryptophan on mental health.

L-Tryptophan for Mental Health and Mood

Anyone considering L-tryptophan for its mental health benefits should also learn about 5-hydroxytryptophan, or 5-HTP. Both tryptophan and 5-HTP are serotonin precursors, meaning they increase serotonin production — the neurotransmitter that supports healthy mood. Yet, 5-HTP is the version of tryptophan before it has been fully transformed into serotonin, meaning it may have a milder effect.

According to a study on 5-HTP, this amino acid “easily crosses the blood-brain barrier and effectively increases central nervous system (CNS) synthesis of serotonin.” This increase in serotonin levels not only supports sleep and mood regulation, but has also been shown to improve depression, anxiety, aggression, mood swings, and muscle pain.

Scientific evidence shows that, due to its positive effect on serotonin production, 5-HTP can also be effective for treating common disorders like chronic headaches, binge eating, and fibromyalgia. Additional studies show that L-tryptophan can be helpful for depression related to menstruation and premenstrual syndrome.

The standard dose for 5-HTP is between 300-500 mg per day, and all other antidepressant medications or serotonin boosters should be stopped immediately when starting 5-HTP. Taking too many supplements that alter this important brain chemical can cause serotonin syndrome. The most common symptoms of serotonin syndrome include restlessness, confusion, rapid heart rate, sweating, muscle tightness, and dilated pupils.

Side Effects of L-Tryptophan

Most people don’t have any side effects when taking L-tryptophan at recommended doses. However, mild symptoms related to L-tryptophan and 5-HTP have been reported, including drowsiness, nausea, constipation, dry mouth, and blurred vision.

The most serious adverse effect has been the onset of eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome, or EMS. This is a rare disorder caused by an increase in white blood cells (eosinophils), which cause inflammation, swelling, cough, behavioral changes, and digestive issues. This became a concern in 1989 when thousands of individuals reported symptoms of EMS after taking a specific brand of L-tryptophan supplement.

This EMS epidemic led to the ban of L-tryptophan supplements in 1990 by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), yet the ban was lifted in 2005. Scientific reports say that the link between L-tryptophan and EMS was actually due to contamination in the L-tryptophan supplement, rather than the intake of L-tryptophan itself. This is due to the fact that there have been no reported cases of L-tryptophan-related EMS since the reintroduction of the supplement in 2005.

Also remember that dietary supplements of L-tryptophan aren’t regulated by the FDA. If you want to add L-tryptophan to your diet, it’s important to consult a health care professional for medical advice related to your specific needs and circumstances.

Supplementing With L-Tryptophan for Sleep

L-tryptophan supplementation has the potential to improve both sleep and mood.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive effects of supplementing with L-tryptophan to boost melatonin and serotonin production, both of which help regulate the sleep-wake cycle and improve sleep. Since both L-tryptophan and 5-HTP help boost serotonin, they’ve also been shown to support mental health conditions like depression.

If you’re considering a supplement for better sleep and you’d like to boost your melatonin levels, consider taking L-tryptophan for sleep. Improving your daily rest through nutrition is just one way to better your overall sleep schedule and understand the role of sleep in your mental and physical health.

Reading time: 4 min

Fasting is an age-old practice that is gaining speed in our modern-day world.

From intermittent fasting that can take place every few days or once in a while, to something that is a lifestyle, such as the one-meal-a-day, or OMAD, diet, fasting can take many forms.

Many formerly obese individual credit fasting for extreme weight loss. Others have said it improves overall health and wellness. And while the research backing up fasting regularly is mixed on all sides of the vein, the fact remains that when you don’t eat, things start to happen inside your body that affects your autonomic nervous system, and in turn, your heart rate variability.

Here is what happens to your body when you fast over a long period of time, and as a result, what role those changes play on your heart rate variability.

Your body will break down glycogen

In the beginning of your fast, your body will convert glycogen (sugar) into energy. This is entirely normal following a meal because it’s basically digestion (and your autonomic nervous system at its finest).  However, after about six hours, when you have “officially” begun you fast, your glycogen stores will begin to deplete, and you will become hungry.

Effect on HRV

Because of HRV levels being highly dependent on stress levels, in these beginning stages, your HRV could go high or low depending on your approach to the fast. If you are feeling stressed about being hungry, your HRV will likely be low. However, if you are feeling confident about the results of the fast, and even have the desired outcome, you are likely going to find that your HRV is high, indicating that you are handling the stress on your body quite well.

Your blood glucose level will rise

This may seem wrong because wouldn’t your body lose sugar if it doesn’t have the stores to break it down? And wouldn’t that mean that your blood sugar would go down?

You’d think so, but what actually happens when you fast, is that insulin levels start to drop, triggering a surge of hormones like including noradrenaline and growth hormone to fight against low blood sugar. This, in turn, concentrates the blood with sugar that it pulled from stored sugar that is usually in the liver.

Effect on HRV

According to research, high blood glucose concentration is associated with higher parasympathetic, but lower sympathetic CAM. This means that your body is under more stress to perform its normal functions of the nervous system. If you were to measure these using biometrics, you would likely find your HRV to be on the lower level.

Ketosis will begin

When your body doesn’t have the energy sources to break down new glycogen, it starts to starve and begin the hunt for other things to convert into energy. It will start breaking down fat into fatty acids in order to use them for energy rather than carbs. This is when those looking to use fasting for weight loss begin to see results.

However, due to the fact that the brain cannot use broken down fat for fuel, it turns to ketone bodies for energy. This works for a small time because ketone bodies can’t replace glucose. But after a few days, the ketone bodies build up and a volatile substance called acetone begins to form, lowering the pH of the blood. When this happens, a condition called acidosis develop and lead to coma or even death.

Effect on HRV

At this point — usually around the 48-hour mark —  your body is under stress as it searches for energy sources to survive.  Due to this, your HRV will lower. In fact, a study that took 16 young healthy female volunteers, and had them fast for 48 hours, found that parasympathetic withdrawal was induced with simultaneous sympathetic activation. These findings lead researchers to conclude that the changes in the women’s nervous systems appeared to reflect stress.

However, if your body is used to fasting, or if you have prepared yourself mentally and physically for the fast, the change may not be as significant as it could be otherwise.

If you do notice a significant drop in HRV and begin to feel considerably physical and mental stress, it might be best to abandon the fast at this point.

You’ll have cognitive function impairment

If you continue your fast, your body will be in the process of ketosis and quite possibly acidosis. During these stages, the body starts to break down protein to release amino acids that can convert into glucose. This is done to fuel your brain and suppress hunger.

For those who use fasting as a weight-loss measure, this is the next step that the body takes, and many experts — specifically as it relates to the keto diet —  say that ketosis is not entirely harmful. However, due to the strain on your brain, you may lose some simple brain functions that help you remember things, and carry out simple tasks.

Effect on HRV

The strain on many of your cognitive functions, and the continuing decline in your HRV levels will make it more difficult for your autonomic nervous system to work the way it needs to. You will be less alert and therefore unable to respond well to stressful situations

Fasting isn’t all bad …

The above may seem quite terrible and can be if taken to an extreme level. However, if you use fasting intermittently, your body will likely not have many or any of the negative side effects including those related to HRV.

Do your research on the right fasting approach for your health goals. And as always, check with a medical professional to make sure your body is able to handle the effects — whatever they may be — of a fasting regimen.

Reading time: 6 min

Millions of Americans suffer from sleep disorders. And millions more suffer from poor sleep habits that make it hard to wake up in the morning. If you wake up feeling groggy and find yourself hitting your snooze button multiple times, small lifestyle changes can make mornings easier.

Here, we’ll show you how a few small changes in your daily routine, combined with a few healthy habits, can help improve your sleep. Learn how to wake yourself up in the morning with these tips and tricks, plus we’ll see what happens when you don’t get enough restful sleep.

How Poor Sleep Affects Your Health


It’s no secret that not getting enough sleep can be detrimental to health. If you’ve ever woken up feeling groggy and sleepy, you know how much harder it is to motivate yourself and to work on important projects. Not only does lack of sleep cause noticeable changes in mood, it can also be a sign of an underlying problem.

Here are the main causes of poor sleep:

  • Sleep disorders, including sleep apnea and oversleeping
  • Sleep deficiency, a condition where you don’t spend enough time in restful sleep phases, like deep sleep and REM sleep, resulting in poor quality sleep
  • Sleep deprivation or not sleeping enough (the National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours for adults between the ages of 18 and 65 and 7-8 hours for adults over 65)
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Depression
  • Certain medications, including beta-blockers, antidepressants, and muscle relaxants
  • Chronic pain
  • Medical conditions, including Parkinson’s and Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Poor sleep habits or a poor sleep environment

If your grogginess in the morning is due to a sleep disorder, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with a doctor who specializes in sleep medicine. A doctor can conduct a sleep test to determine your sleeping habits and can determine whether an underlying medical condition is the culprit.

For most mild to moderate sleep problems, tracking your sleep with a wearable and making small lifestyle changes can improve mornings dramatically. Here, we’ll show you what signs to watch out for and how you can make waking up in the morning easier.

Symptoms of Poor Sleep


Not getting enough quality sleep can cause nightmares and sleepwalking that lead to groggy mornings. You may also feel excessive sleepiness throughout the day, not just in the mornings.

Other signs that you aren’t getting enough sleep include:

  • Tired or heavy eyes
  • Constant yawning
  • Irritability
  • Tiredness
  • Brain fog
  • Difficulty thinking or staying on task

Now that you know what to watch out for, read on to learn how to wake yourself up in the morning and how to get better quality sleep.

How To Wake Yourself Up


To wake up easier in the morning, you’ll need to make changes not only in the morning but also throughout the day and the night before. Fortunately, most of these changes are easy to master with a little practice. You won’t become a morning person overnight, but you will get better quality sleep and find that waking yourself up becomes easier and easier over time.

If your grogginess stems from a sleep disorder or a medical condition, you may need to combine the following lifestyle changes with medications. Talk to a doctor to get the best treatment plan if you have a sleep disorder or another medical condition.

Here are eight ways to make waking up in the morning a more enjoyable process.

1. Set a Sleep Schedule

Your body has a natural, built-in sleep cycle known as a circadian rhythm. A circadian rhythm — or your sleep-wake cycle — is a 24-hour subconscious clock that alternates between cycles of sleepiness and alertness. This process is controlled in a part of the brain known as the hypothalamus, but it can be affected by outside factors, including light conditions and noise.

Regular sleep habits help support your body’s natural circadian rhythm. Try going to bed and waking up at the same time each night and morning.

Start by identifying how much sleep you need. As mentioned above, this is typically 7-9 hours. Then work backward. Pick a time to go to bed that allows you to get the correct amount of sleep, wake up in the morning, and complete your regular routine before heading to work or starting your day. For example, you may choose to go to bed at 10 p.m. and wake up by 7 a.m. to get a full 9 hours of sleep.

Maintain your sleep schedule every day of the week, even on your days off. Over time, your body will get used to its regular sleep schedule, and you’ll start naturally waking up at the right time the next morning.

2. Eliminate Distractions Before Bed

Many people try to cram last-minute activities into their schedule before bed. Whether it’s a late-night gym session or working late on your computer, these activities can disrupt your circadian rhythm, making it harder to wake up in the morning.

Avoid drinking caffeine, energy drinks, and other stimulants in the late afternoon and evening. Limit alcoholic drinks close to bedtime, as these can also disrupt sleep. Try to go to the gym in the morning or during the day — during your lunch break for example — rather than in the evening.

Avoid staring at your phone screen or computer screen right before bed. The blue light from the screen can cause your circadian rhythm to think it’s daytime. Try to use your bed only at nighttime. Laying in bed during the day can also disrupt your natural sleep cycle.

If you have a hard time relaxing before bed, create a relaxing bedtime routine. Try doing some meditation or aromatherapy using essential oils. Diffusing lavender oil or drinking a cup of chamomile tea may help induce sleepiness.

3. Make It Harder To Hit Snooze

It can be tempting to hit the snooze button when you’re sleepy in the morning. Some people think that just a few more minutes of sleep will make you feel more rested. In reality, waking up and falling back asleep repeatedly — known as sleep fragmentation — can increase grogginess and increase feelings of pain.

Instead of putting your alarm right by your bed where you can hit snooze as much as you want, make it harder to hit the button. Try placing your alarm across the room so you have to get up to turn it off. This can help you avoid sleep fragmentation and the temptation to sleep in.

4. Use Light To Your Advantage

Natural light is one of the main signals affecting your circadian rhythm. When your body senses light, it triggers a subconscious response that indicates you should be alert. Waking up to daylight can help make mornings easier. Try sleeping with your curtains open so you wake up to natural sunlight or a bright light each morning.

If you live somewhere with street lights or other lights that can keep you up during the night, try using an alarm clock with a built-in light. Known as wake-up light alarm clocks, these clocks slowly turn on light in the morning to mimic the rising sun.

Take steps to ensure your sleep space is an ideal environment to get some shut-eye. The body sleeps best in dark, cool environments. Try using blackout curtains to block out outside lights that may disrupt sleep. If you tend to get cold, add a few extra blankets on the bed instead of cranking up the thermostat.

5. Try a Pick-Me-Up

Splashing your face with cold water in the morning or taking a cold shower can help shock your system into wakefulness. Additionally, cold temperatures can offer an energy boost that perks up your mind and body. If you don’t feel like taking a cold shower but live in a cool environment, you can step outside into the cold morning air to help wake up. Alternatively, try drinking a glass of cold water or going for a short walk first thing in the morning.

6. Get Proper Nutrition and Exercise

Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can help improve sleep. Processed foods and unhealthy snacks can cause fatigue and sluggishness. Instead, try to eat a balanced diet. A nutritionist can help you determine if your sleep problems are associated with your overall nutrition.

Exercise is another key component of sleep health. If you find yourself sleeping during the day, it can be harder to get a restful sleep at night. Try to exercise and stay active during daylight hours. This can give you energy during the day, while also making you more tired at night so you can go to sleep.

7. Track Your Sleep Habits

One of the best ways to improve sleep is to get an understanding of your existing sleep habits. Use a wearable tracker like Biostrap to help understand your sleep and activity habits. The sleep tool captures snoring, arm and leg movements, and biometric readings every two minutes. Review the information in the app to learn when and where you have sleep disruptions so you can make necessary changes to improve sleep.

8. Get Help

For some people, especially those with medical conditions, these lifestyle changes may not make waking up easier. In those cases, you may need medical intervention such as medications or devices to make sleeping and waking up easier.

If you have sleep apnea, you may need to use a breathing device to improve sleep. For people who suffer from other sleep disorders, medications, melatonin, and behavioral therapy may help. If you think your sleep disruptions are caused by underlying medical conditions, talk to a doctor to develop the best treatment plan.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep


Getting enough quality sleep can mean the difference between having high energy levels and feeling groggy in the morning and throughout the day. The solution isn’t just getting more sleep, it’s getting better sleep. Making small lifestyle changes can make falling asleep easier so you can wake up feeling refreshed and invigorated.

When it comes to how to wake yourself up, using light, eliminating bedtime distractions, and sticking to a schedule are vital to your success. Proper nutrition and regular exercise are also key components of the sleep health equation.

At Biostrap, we make it easy to track your sleep habits so you can make the changes you need and get better sleep. With accessories, including armband straps, and ankle straps, you can monitor your sleep cycles without causing discomfort. Use the app to track comprehensive sleep analytics and access in-depth data with the Sleep Lab tool.

Reading time: 5 min

Having trouble sleeping? If you are, you’re not alone. According to the American Sleep Association, anywhere from 50-70 million U.S. adults have a sleeping disorder that prevents them from getting a good night’s sleep. Be it insomnia, snoring, night terrors, or other disorders, sleep problems affect 1 in 3 people at some stage of their life.

So what can we do to combat sleepless nights and sleep disorders? From counting sheep to prescription medications, the various tactics we use to help us sleep are endless. And while lack of sleep may seem like a burden in itself, the truth is that consistent lack of sleep can lead to an increased risk of diseases while impairing mental and physical performance.

Rather than relying on medications or alternative strategies to fall asleep (and stay asleep), research shows that compounds like glycine promote a good night’s sleep, naturally.

As an emerging player in the sleep-supplement realm, glycine treatment can positively impact your sleep quality in many ways. Let’s take a look at what we currently know about glycine, including how it works in our body, and how it can affect our sleep and our health.

What Is Glycine?

As we mentioned when discussing amino acids in the past, glycine is but one of many amino acids that serve as building blocks for life. Amino acids build proteins, synthesize hormones and neurotransmitters, boost performance, improve mood, and beyond.

As data continues to suggest that amino acid supplements are capable of producing health benefits, researchers continue to experiment along the way. So what is glycine exactly, and what makes it so special?

Glycine is an amino acid and neurotransmitter that the body produces from other natural biochemicals that include serine, choline, and threonine, and we consume glycine as well.

We absorb glycine in high-protein foods, such as meat, fish, dairy, eggs, and legumes, but it’s considered a non-essential amino acid because our body can produce it (of the 20 amino acids our body needs to grow and function properly, 11 of these are non-essential).

Yet unlike many amino acids that serve one principal role, glycine is a neurotransmitter with the ability to be both excitatory and inhibitory. This means it can provide the brain and central nervous system with energy, or it can quiet everything down. Glycine is commonly used to improve sleep, enhance memory, and increase insulin sensitivity.

How Does Glycine Work?


Now that we’ve come to understand the purpose glycine serves in our body, it’s time to break down exactly how this amino acid works. Like other common amino acids, glycine works as a protein builder in the body, and it’s known primarily for producing collagen.

Collagen is a protein that acts as a primary structural component for tendons, muscles, bones, connective tissue, and skin. And because collagen is the most abundant form of protein that provides our body with structure and strength, it serves a rather important role, all thanks to glycine.

But glycine can do more than simply produce collagen. For instance, it also facilitates the production of creatine, a nutrient that’s stored in the body and used as a form of energy.

Glycine helps breakdown fatty acids in foods, maintains healthy levels of acidity in the digestive tract, regulates blood-sugar levels and moves blood sugar to cells and tissues throughout the body. It also helps regulate the body’s immune response, and even aids in the production of DNA and RNA. Low levels of glycine have been linked to type 2 diabetes while glycine levels that are higher indicate a reduced risk of this metabolic disorder.

Though we consider glycine a non-essential amino acid, clearly it plays an important role in our body’s daily functionality. Yet the reason we find ourselves discussing glycine at length today is because of the pivotal role it plays as a neurotransmitter. Capable of stimulating or inhibiting cells in the brain, glycine can affect mood, cognition, immune function, pain perception, and even sleep.

The use of glycine as a means of influencing and improving sleep can lead to a number of outcomes for the user. For instance, glycine will help you fall asleep more quickly, increase your sleep efficiency, reduce symptoms of insomnia, and improve your overall quality of sleep, which will in turn promote a deeper and more restful sleep.

Research also suggests that, because glycine will help people fall asleep more quickly, it will result in more time in REM sleep, the state of deep sleep in which our body heals and recuperates.

So how does this sleep-promoting amino acid influence sleep in such positive ways? To answer such a question, we must look at the many ways glycine will affect our body when we use it as a supplemental sleep aid.

How Does Glycine Help You Sleep?

After we’ve taken glycine in supplement form, a number of bodily functions that help us sleep will take place. For starters, consuming glycine will lower the core body temperature by increasing blood flow to the extremities. A slight drop in body temperature is a key part of our progression toward sleep, and thus this drop in temperature is a rather pivotal moment as we look for a solid night’s rest.

Glycine will also increase serotonin levels in the body that aid in establishing healthy sleep patterns. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that aids in the production of melatonin, the famous sleep hormone we often take in supplement form. Studies suggest glycine may even help you bounce back to healthy sleep cycles after a period of disrupted sleep.

The key to this amino acid’s calming effects comes primarily from consuming glycine in supplement form. Let’s take a closer look at what it means to use supplemental glycine.

Using Glycine Supplements


Using glycine to aid in sleep performance is as simple as taking a supplement each night before bed. These supplements come in both pill and liquid form, making them widely available to all.

That said, consuming glycine supplements should only occur after consulting with a medical professional. Ideally, a range of 3-5 grams of glycine taken orally before bed has been used to effectively help induce sleep in scientific studies utilizing human volunteers.

Yet as with all supplements or drugs we choose to ingest, side effects may occur along the way. While most individuals tolerate supplemental glycine with no issue, some may experience nausea, vomiting, soft stools, and interactions with other drugs or prescriptions. Meanwhile, doses of glycine consumed during the day may lead to adverse effects like daytime sleepiness.

Should You Take Glycine for Sleep?

Determining whether or not you should take glycine depends on what you hope to gain from its potential. For those seeking the opportunity to fall asleep faster, increase sleep efficiency, and improve their overall quality of sleep, glycine may be high on the list of supplements worth taking. Using a wearable sleep tracker will help you analyze the differences between your sleep patterns with and without glycine.

Before choosing to incorporate glycine into your life, however, it pays to speak with a medical professional. Because the effects of glycine influence each of us differently, ensuring glycine is right for you is of the utmost importance.

If you do incorporate glycine into your life, we hope your nights be filled with restful, healthy sleep.

Reading time: 3 min

What’s more heartwarming in the wintertime than struggling up close to the fireplace, drinking a cup of hot cocoa while watching your favorite movie? Well, how about going for a run or hike in fresh, mountain snow, or taking a walk on your neighborhood parkway as snowflakes flutter down upon your eyelashes?

While wintery terrain may give you cold feet, it’s all warm and fuzzy when it comes to your heart. And here are six tips to help keep your heart warm this winter.

1. Winterize it

Cold weather can put a large strain on the heart, especially if you aren’t used to it. Cold temperatures cause your blood vessels and arteries to shrink, restricting blood flow and reducing oxygen to the heart. Due to this, your heart has to pump harder to move the blood through the narrowed vessels. When this happens, your blood pressure and heart rate increase.

And as we know, a sudden spike in blood pressure – especially when paired with outdoor exertion, can have scary, even life threatening consequences.

In order to avoid this, make sure that your heart is in good shape before winter by implementing a regular cardiovascular exercise regimen well before the winter months.

2. Dress appropriately

You wouldn’t wear a winter coat, gloves and hat in the middle of summer for the simple reason that it would cause your body to overheat. The same principle applies to wintertime. Shorts and a tank out in the freezing cold would cause your body temperature to plummet.

By dressing appropriately in moisture wicking layers with your head and hands covered, you will be able to last a lot longer out there in the cold, and your heart rate will be less variable.

3. Warm up

Temperature extremes are not good for the cardiovascular system. Both the extremes of heat and cold can cause changes in the body that may have lasting negative effects and could even lead to death.

This is why it is important to warm up before entering the cold so you can to get your heart pumping blood, easing the transition as you acclimate to the weather. Doing so will also lessen the shock to your cardiovascular system.

4. Drink fluids

Drinking plenty of water helps the heart pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles more easily, according to the American Heart Association. Simply put, if you’re hydrated, your heart won’t need to work as hard.

And while you won’t sweat as much in the cold because your body is keeping water in to keep your body temperature up, rather than using it to cool you off, you still do sweat. Plus, the air that we breathe in the wintertime has less moisture in it, and our lungs need to use the water in our bodies to moisturize it, according to an Dr. Steven T. Devor – Director of Performance Physiology for MIT and OhioHealth.

So, continue to drink your water, and lots of it!

5. Eat heart healthy foods

Along with drinking plenty of water, it is important to eat heart healthy foods like fish, nuts, berries, and green vegetables to make sure that your heart is in tip-top shape as you exercise during the cold, winter months.

6. Know your limits and listen to your body

Exercising outdoors is awesome because you get to experience this time of year the best possible way. However, with extreme temperatures brings risks both to your heart and body. If you begin to shiver, it is time to bring things indoors because this is the first sign of hypothermia.

And there is nothing wrong with exercising in a temperature regulated room. Nothing at all.

Reading time: 2 min

In the mid 1990’s creatine was introduced to the United States full throttle when an estimated 80 percent of Olympic athletes competing in the 1996 Games used it to enhance their performances. Since then, creatine has had both good and bad press. There are those who have sought to ban it as an illegal performance enhancing substance, while many have been proponents of it as a safe and natural product for athletes.

But, who is right? Is creatine safe or should athletes use caution? Moreover, for the purpose of this article, what is its effect on the heart, if any?

First, what is Creatine?

Creatine is a combination of the three amino acids, glycine, arginine, and methionine, and is produced by our own bodies. This same process that occurs in our bodies to produce creatine also happens inside animals we eat, such as herring, salmon, tuna, and beef. This is where we get the supplement that is widely used by athletes today.

What is creatine used for?

When creatine was first discovered in 1832 by French philosopher and scientist, Michel Eugene Chevreul, it sparked many studies. One in particular found that more creatine was present in wild animals vs. domesticated, indicating that there was more creatine produced because wild animals exercised more.

Subsequent tests in humans over the next several decades found that the use of creatine increased muscle mass. It was later concluded that the supplementation of creatine was helpful in treating medical conditions like muscular dystrophy and Parkinson’s. Athletes took notice, and began using it to increase muscle mass to better compete in their chosen sport.

Creatine role is to replenish the body’s reserves of ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate), the muscles’ ultimate energy source for short, explosive bursts of energy. And while recreational use of the supplement has increased over the years, creatine is more beneficial for high-performance athletes who are looking for a competitive edge.

Is it dangerous?

Despite many hoping to find that the use of creatine is harmful, researchers have yet to find anything substantial.This is mainly due to the fact that creatine is considered a food because it is a natural product derived from animals.

While creatine as a supplement alone has not been found to be harmful, when combined with medications, it could potentially damage the liver and kidneys, according to the Mayo Clinic. This is because the creatine in our bodies is filtered through the kidneys, and high levels in the kidneys can be an indicator of potential kidney failure. This is why it is also important to use the supplement only as directed.

The effect of creatine on the heart

There have been some concerns about the use of creatine with some believing there is a link to  increased heart rate and blood pressure. This is due to the fact that the supplement is used primarily to increase the intensity of workouts. However, researchers have found no direct link between creatine use and heart problems, but rather attribute it to athletes overtraining.

How HRV monitoring can help when using creatine

Because creatine will help increase your body’s ability to handle intense workouts, this makes it even more imperative that you track your heart rate variability (HRV) daily to prevent overtraining.

Simply by tracking your HRV you will be able to know when to hit it hard or when taking it easy is best — yes, even when your giant muscles may be telling you otherwise.

Reading time: 5 min
Whether you’re a fitness newcomer or an endurance athlete looking for ways to perform better, gauging your fitness level is crucial. Doing so gives you a starting point from which you can improve, and it can guide your workouts to meet your specific exercise goals. It can also help you identify what types of exercise you excel at and where you need some work. Measuring how fit you are usually involves several different parameters. These include how much muscular strength you have, your body composition and flexibility, how much strain your muscles can endure, and your aerobic capacity. In this guide, we’ll focus on aerobic capacity – a measurement of how much oxygen your body uses during exercise. You’ll learn why it matters, how to measure it, and discover ways to improve it.

What Is Aerobic Capacity?

Aerobic capacity, also known as cardiopulmonary capacity, cardiorespiratory fitness, or VO2 max, is a measurement of your maximum oxygen consumption during physical activity. It’s a reflection of your aerobic power and your body’s ability to keep performing under strenuous activity for longer periods of time. Here’s the science behind it: As you exercise, your lungs draw in oxygen and transfer oxygenated blood to your heart, cells, and muscle groups throughout your body. The oxygen-rich blood pairs with glucose to trigger the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) — an organic compound that helps your working muscles contract. This process enables you to run long distances, swim laps, and ride your bike.

Why Aerobic Capacity Matters

Your aerobic capacity is a reflection of your overall health. While maximal oxygen uptake can decrease with age, it can also diminish when you stop exercising regularly or when you get injured. Aerobic capacity is important because it can help you stay healthy and active. In fact, aerobic exercise can help build muscle mass, support skeletal muscle health, and may reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension. Having poor aerobic capacity can also impact your heart health. Research links poor aerobic capacity with a greater risk of heart disease in certain individuals. Studies also show that VO2 max increases with aerobic exercise compared to moderate activity, and both are beneficial to heart health in patients with cardiovascular disease. Measuring your aerobic capacity also allows you to see how well your body performs aerobic or endurance exercises. The more you work on your cardiovascular endurance, the higher your aerobic capacity or maximum oxygen uptake will be. This means you’ll be able to work harder and longer as your aerobic capacity increases.

How to Measure Aerobic Capacity

Doctor oversees an aerobic capacity test
There are two main methods to measure your VO2 max: fitness tests or mathematical estimations. Fitness tests are more accurate since they track your oxygen intake during a specific exercise in a controlled environment. On the other hand, there is a standard equation you can use to get a rough estimate of your aerobic capacity. Here’s how each method works.

Fitness Test

The VO2 max test is usually conducted in an exercise lab and can also be measured at some gyms. During the test, you run on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike while wearing a mask. The mask measures the amount of oxygen you breathe in during the exercise testing. Intensity increases throughout the test until you reach the point of exhaustion. These tests may also monitor your lactate threshold — the point at which your body switches from aerobic to anaerobic processes. Anaerobic exercise occurs when your body needs to use other energy sources besides oxygen — such as lactic acid — to continue performing. If your VO2 max test includes lactate threshold testing, you’ll have blood drawn every few minutes to measure oxygen levels in your blood cells.

VO2 Max Formula

While elite athletes often get VO2 max tests regularly, the tests themselves can be expensive since they’re monitored by a doctor in a laboratory setting. That doesn’t mean you can’t figure out your VO2 max if you’re not an endurance athlete. Fortunately, physiologists have created a formula using factors that typically impact cardiovascular endurance to help estimate your oxygen intake during exercise. Some formulas don’t require any exercise testing while others are based on your performance during aerobic exercise at low intensity and moderate intensity . VO2 max usually decreases with age, but your maximum heart rate and resting heart rate also play a role in your cardiovascular performance. Here are a few formulas you can use to gauge your aerobic capacity.
  • Heart Rate Metrics Formula: VO2 max = 15.3 x (maximum heart rate / resting heart rate)
  • Rockport Walking Fitness Test: VO2 max = 132.853 – (0.0769 x your body weight in lbs) – (0.3877 x your age) + (6.315 if you’re a male or 0 if you’re a female) – (3.2649 x the time it takes you to walk 1 mile briskly) – (0.1565 x your heart rate at the end of the 1-mile walk).
  • Brigham Young University Jog Test
    • Women: 100.5 – (0.1636 x weight in kg) – (1.438 x the time it takes to lightly jog 1 mile) – (0.1928 x heart rate at the end of the jog)
    • Men: 108.844 – (0.1636 x weight in kg) – (1.438 x the time it takes to lightly jog 1 mile) – (0.1928 x heart rate at the end of the jog)
The walking and jogging tests are submaximal field tests. This means you shouldn’t be working at your maximum cardiovascular or respiratory output. The pace should be challenging, but not an all-out intense effort. The run test is ideal for kids and healthy adults while the walking test is a better choice for adults who are out of shape or recovering from injuries.

How to Improve Aerobic Capacity

Aerobic capacity: Cross-country skiers on the trail in Bavaria
The most effective way to boost cardiovascular fitness is to incorporate high-intensity endurance training into your regimen. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is the ideal option when trying to increase your VO2 max. These exercises are usually preceded by a warmup and consist of intense cardio exercises such as sprints, jump lunges, and calisthenics. Each cardio exercise is followed by a brief rest period. During high-intensity aerobic activity your cardiac output increases as your body demands more oxygen to keep performing. When you repeat these exercises regularly over time, your aerobic capacity will increase. Any type of regular exercise will improve your aerobic capacity. If you can’t do high-intensity exercise or prefer strength-training exercises, start with aerobic activities like walking, swimming, or light jogging instead. You can increase the exercise intensity as your fitness level improves and start incorporating higher intensity exercises into your aerobic training.

Improve Aerobic Capacity With Biostrap

Aerobic fitness is a key metric that can help you reach your fitness goals whether it’s weight loss or conquering an endurance race. When it comes to tracking metrics, there’s no better way to monitor your health than using a wearable tracker like Biostrap. With Biostrap, you can track aerobic metrics including your oxygen saturation levels as well as heart rate variability during each exercise session. You’ll also find useful tips on our blog including how to optimize your cardio routines and hack your fitness. Note:  This article is for informational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult a qualified professional if you require medical attention.
Reading time: 4 min

Amino acids are building blocks for optimum health. Nine of the 20 common amino acids are essential to survival. Without these, our bodies wouldn’t have the energy, focus, and regeneration capabilities we need to survive.

Amino acids are broken into groups based on structure and function. One category of essential amino acids is branched-chain amino acids, also known as BCAA. As the only grouping of amino acids with a particular branching structure, these amino acids are often grouped by their appearance and function.

So what exactly are BCAA amino acids, and what do they do? Here’s what you should know about how branched-chain amino acids work in the body plus the best time to take BCAA foods and supplements to optimize recovery.

What Are Branched-Chain Amino Acids?


Amino acids combine to form proteins, which help the body grow and repair. There are three main types of amino acids in the body: essential amino acids, non-essential amino acids, and conditional amino acids. Non-essential amino acids are created by the body, while non-essential amino acids must be obtained from food. Conditional amino acids are those which are only needed when a person’s body isn’t properly creating the non-essential amino acids (for instance, when they’re sick).

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a type of essential amino acid characterized by their molecular structure. They have a chain that branches off to one side, which differentiates them from other essential amino acids. BCAAs include leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Comprising between 35 and 40% of all amino acids in the body, leucine, isoleucine, and valine each have unique properties that support different areas of growth and functioning in the body.


Leucine is a branched-chain amino acid that has been shown to support the healing of bones and skin. It has also been linked to muscle growth, higher levels of human growth hormones, and increased lean body mass. For this reason, it has been shown to help weight loss. Another benefit — leucine can reduce and control blood sugar levels. This makes it an especially important essential amino acid for people struggling with diabetes or pre-diabetes.

Leucine has also been shown to “activate the anabolic signaling molecule mTORC1 (mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1), as well as other factors involved in protein synthesis,” according to a recent article in the journal, Science. In other words, Leucine is essential for protein synthesis — which is essential for survival.


Like leucine, isoleucine helps control blood sugar and accelerates the re-growth of lean muscles and other tissues in the body. This makes it essential for highly active people such as weight trainers and bodybuilders. Isoleucine is also believed to assist in the creation of hemoglobin, which is the pigment carrying oxygen in red blood cells.

Isoleucine is said to be most beneficial for people with low blood sugar or diabetes, who need to keep blood sugar (glucose) levels steady when taking medications. That’s because isoleucine can help increase glucose intake into skeletal muscle, which helps balance blood sugar. Isoleucine does this better than leucine and valine. While leucine is thought to be the most powerful branched-chain amino acid for muscle gain, isoleucine can support muscle growth as well.


Valine supports the proper functioning of the smooth nervous system and the brain. Valine also helps prevent muscle breakdown and ensures proper regulation of the nervous system. Another benefit of valine is appetite suppression.

Metabolism and muscle recovery are also known benefits of this essential branched-chain amino acid. Shown to increase endurance and improve tissue recovery, Valine is most useful for long-distance athletes.

Building Muscle With BCAA Supplements

As mentioned, all three branched-chain amino acids play a vital role in promoting lean muscle mass and optimizing recovery. That’s why many people are turning to BCAA supplements to build muscle, boost weight loss, reduce muscle soreness, and improve overall muscle recovery. Specifically, BCAAs can be taken as a pre-workout supplement to reduce fatigue and improve overall performance.

This was demonstrated in a sports nutrition study on college males during an intense bout of cycling. The men who took BCAA demonstrated higher levels of serotonin — an important chemical that boosts mood and reduces fatigue — helping them maintain an intense workout for a longer period of time. Meanwhile, the men who took the BCAA supplement showed lower levels of creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase, both of which signify a breakdown of muscle tissue. This suggests that BCAA supplements like Leucine can help with muscle recovery and muscle gain.

People who want to grow muscle mass and exercise more vigorously without soreness slowing them down may also benefit from BCAA supplements. Additionally, muscle wasting, also known as muscle atrophy (shrinking and weakening of muscle) is another condition that can be improved by amino acids. Muscle wasting is more common among people who are elderly, malnourished, or have illnesses such as cancer.

Best Time to Take BCAA


While you don’t need BCAAs at every meal, it is important to take them daily. This ensures you’re getting all the nutrients you need so your body can function at its best. Branched-chain amino acids are most commonly found in protein-rich foods like milk, meat, and eggs. However, many plant-based foods also contain these essential nutrients, so vegans can get everything they need from a plant-based diet. For example, beans, soy, corn, cashews, brown rice, and almonds all are whole foods with amazing benefits, like being high in BCAAs.

The best time to take BCAA depends on your fitness goals. For example, if you’re a bodybuilder or you’re engaging in fasted cardio training (training while fasting), you might take BCAA to prevent extended muscle catabolism. This is when existing muscle tissue is used to repair newly torn tissue. When that’s the case, the best time to take BCAA is in the morning before working out.

In fact, taking BCAA supplements on an empty stomach may boost your energy and give you more endurance to power through your workout at optimum levels. If you’re simply hoping to get enough BCAA in your diet, eat balanced, high-protein meals every day.

It’s also important not to take an excessive dose of amino acids or to take these supplements over a long period of time. This is because certain amino acids can accumulate in the body and lead to imbalances. For example, too much leucine can lead to hypoglycemia or pellagra, which can affect the skin, hair, and intestinal tract. Like any other supplement, all amino acid supplements can be dangerous when taken in excess or at an inconsistent rate.

Improving Recovery With BCAAs

Branched-chain amino acids are essential for the human body to function properly. They aid in muscle recovery, fat loss, post-workout recovery, and reduced muscle damage. All the BCAAs that a normal person needs can be obtained through protein-rich sources, so even vegans can get all the BCAAs they need with a balanced diet. However, people engaging in strenuous muscle building or endurance exercises may benefit from a BCAA supplement, which can slow muscle wasting, reduce delayed onset muscle soreness, and help improve overall energy levels for better workouts.

Reading time: 6 min

Half the people reading this will show it to someone else.

Here’s why. It turns out (spoiler alert!) that a weekly massage is not a luxury, it’s one of the top 7 ways restore parasympathetic balance; in other words to keep your body in healthy homeostasis.

First, it’s important to know how our body is run by the ground control of our nervous system. It looks like this:

  • Central Nervous System (Our brain and spinal column)
    • Peripheral Nervous System (Everything else)
  • Somatic nervous system (How we move on purpose)
  • Autonomic nervous system (Things we do without thinking, like our heartbeat)
  • Sympathetic (‘fight or flight’)
  • Parasympathetic (rest and recovery)

How healthy we are depends on how well-balanced our autonomic nervous system is.

Autonomic Nervous System

Our autonomic nervous system (ANS) controls our involuntary and unconscious body functions. It keeps us alive while we sleep. It helps us breathe when we’re unconscious. It tells our heart how fast to beat and makes sure our muscles have adequate blood/oxygen when we ‘tell’ them to move. It operates without our knowledge or consent, without our lifting a finger to help.

There are 2 branches: the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS). They do different things but function as corollaries, not opposites. Our SNS is external facing. It provides the speed, energy and fuel to thwart danger. PSNS is internally-directed. It takes care of the daily business of life: Rest. Digestion. Reproduction (yes, with a boost from our SNS during sex). It’s nicknamed Rest & Digest or Breed & Feed. Two sides of the same coin, that can only be spent together.

Within the ANS, there is a constant calibration between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems.

Sympathetic Nervous System (Fight or Flight)

Our body constantly scans our environment, evaluating stimuli. When we sense a threat, our sympathetic nervous system leaps into action to immediately divert resources to the parts of our body needed to fight danger.

The SNS activates our adrenal gland. Our breathing quickens, to bring in more oxygen. Our heart beats faster, to increase blood flow to our muscles. Our pupils dilate (get larger) the better to see our foe.

Digestion slows. Our mouth dries. We don’t need to use the bathroom anymore. We are ready for battle.

Parasympathetic Nervous System (Rest and Recovery)

The parasympathetic nervous system is our default setting when we are not in danger. It lets us conduct the day-to-day business of life. Eating. Sleeping. Recovering. Reproducing.

It is an anabolic process, which builds up needed compounds.

When our PSNS is activated our heart slows. Our breathing calms. Because we don’t need to run, fight or hide, our body sends blood to our organs and away from skeletal muscles. We digest our food. We make hormones. We repair our muscles. We build strength. Our body is in a state of relaxation, and this relaxation breeds recovery. The more time we spend in PSNS the healthier we are.

Hormones and Neurotransmitters

Neurotransmitters help neurons communicate with each other across a synapse. Hormones are secreted by glands. Some compounds can act as either a hormone or a neurotransmitter, and can also they can have opposite effects depending where and why they are excreted.

We have two kinds of muscle tissue. Skeletal muscle (striated muscle) is used for voluntary movement. Smooth muscle is used for involuntary actions like digestion and constriction/dilation of blood vessels.

Our nervous system uses hormones and neurotransmitters to make whatever changes in these muscles it decides we need. The main ones are: adrenaline (increases circulation and breathing), noradrenaline, and acetylcholine (slows heart rate).


The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are always operational, but there is a balance between them. One or the other is always more active. The yin and yang pull of these two systems keeps our body in homeostasis, or balance. Together they ensure that we have enough resources, in the right places, at the right time. Running from a tiger, or for a train? Your SNS sends blood to your leg muscles and oxygen to your lungs to propel you along. Kicking back after Sunday dinner to watch a game? Your PSNS will relax your skeletal muscles and send blood to your organs to speed digestion.

Exercise and the parasympathetic nervous system

Tissues need oxygen to survive. Blood brings us oxygen. When we exercise, our muscles need 15 to 25 times more oxygen than when we’re at rest. The cardiorespiratory system makes sure our blood volume is adequate to do so.

When we work out, our SNS is activated, initiating key physiological changes.

  • We sweat to regulate our temperature.
  • Our heart beats faster to bring more oxygen to our muscles.

(The UC Davis Sports Medicine Department advises using a heart rate monitor to gauge effort.)

  • We breathe faster to take in more oxygen. We might even pant.
  • Our liver releases glucose for energy.
  • Our blood pressure increases (more volume).
  • Our blood moves from our organs to our skeletal muscles.

(That’s why we don’t eat before we exercise. Exercise slows digestion. Eating makes your body choose between strength and speed or digestion. A good rule of thumb is to avoid small meals or snacks for an hour before exercise, and to wait 3 to 4 hours after a large meal.)

These changes make sure we are ready for action. But what happens when the SNS is overstimulated?

Negative impact of heightened SNS

Our SNS is designed to help us survive life-threatening emergencies. As a catabolic process, it breaks down tissue and expends energy. If we spend too long in this heightened state of SNS there will be negative consequences.

Our bodies cannot easily differentiate between real and imagined stress. Just the idea of exercise, before we start, triggers an anticipatory heart rate increase. Our bodies are not meant to have a perpetually activated SNS. Chronic stress activates our SNS.

The fight or flight response originated to save our lives, not wash us with adrenalin and dread every time our boss shows up unexpectedly or we watch a scary movie.

We toggle between each system as needed.

If we spend too much time in SNS, we neglect our PSNS and our health suffers. When medical professionals say stress is bad for you, they mean an activated SNS, without a return to SNS, is bad for you. All the negative consequences of stress are really negative consequences of SNS. Think of it as adrenalin poisoning. A little bit can save your life. Too much and you’ll be exhausted, unsettled, with cognitive decline, poor sleep, a compromised immune system, and a body that cannot repair itself.

Exercise without recovery will end in depletion, not strength.

PSNS bolsters recovery

Activating the PSNS promotes recovery and can be measured via heart rate variability. The more time we spend in PSNS the faster we bounces back, repair damage, and gain strength.

Restorative sleep helps. Our autonomic balance during REM is similar to wakefulness. During non-rapid eye movement sleep the balance shifts from SNS to PSNS dominance, bolstering recovery.

How to restore balance

So back to the massage we promised you.

Once we understand the difference between SNS and PSNS we can actively try to stimulate our PSNS. Coach Chrissy Zmijewski recommends activating our PSNS to decrease recovery time after exercise. Here are 7 fixes to restore the balance between your SNS and PSNS.

Reduce Stress

Stress is ubiquitous. Good health depends on removing or reducing whatever stressors we can control, and reduce our reactions to those we can’t.


We can’t remove all external stress. Meditation is the best way to decrease our reactivity to stress we can’t control. It teaches us to ignore triggers. It reduces our breathing, slows our heart, and decreases our blood pressure: all signs of PSNS activation. Meditations reduce lactic acid in our muscles, promoting recovery.


Regular massage has been shown to restore balance between SNS and PSNS. Massage makes us stronger, calmer, and more able to fight infection. By activating the PSNS, massage promotes recovery. It retrains the body to move more readily into PSNS even when we’re stressed.


Breathing straddles the peripheral nervous system and the autonomic system. It happens automatically but we can also control it. We can hold our breath for example, but we cannot stop our heart. Slowed breathing is a hallmark of PSNS. But it’s not just a symptom, it’s a signal. Slowing your breathing intentionally tells your SNS that things are okay. This activates the PSNS.

Daily breathing exercises will strengthen your lungs, improve your immune system, and decrease your resting heart rate. Here’s a simple way to activate your PSNS. Inhale for a count of 2. Hold that breathe for a count of 5. Exhale for a count of 7. Repeat.


Like meditation, yoga will bring you into PSNS, It also bolsters your ability to decrease SNS activation when you are stressed.

Daily or weekly yoga classes, or even a quick yoga video at home, will improve your strength, flexibility and breathing.


Can what you eat affect your SNS/PSNS balance? Yes. Avoiding stimulants such as caffeine and sugar will facilitate PSNS. An anti-stress diet brings the right mix of protein, minerals and other nutrients to support PSNS.


Yes, intense exercise, even the idea of it, stimulates our SNS. But regular aerobic exercise such as light jogging can actually decrease SNS activity and activate our PSNS. The key is moderation and measurement.

Unwelcome sympathy

Our sympathetic nervous system is key to our survival. But like the sympathy of a well-meaning friend, too much can be, well, too much. The more time we spend in PSNS, the healthier and stronger we’ll be. These 7 tips are a great start.

Reading time: 5 min

If you’re looking to get fit, you’ve probably heard about heart rate. The last time you took your heart rate though may have been in grade school as part of your PE class. For others, monitoring heart rate is a daily task that helps them understand the effectiveness of training programs and overall health.

Whether you’re an experienced athlete or someone who’s just looking for more information about heart rate, this guide is here to help. Here, you’ll learn what heart rate is, how to calculate resting heart rate, and how to figure out your target heart rate during exercise. We’ll also give you some tools you can use to improve your health.

What Is a Normal Resting Heart Rate?

Resting heart rate (RHR) is a measure of the number of times your heart beats in one minute when at rest. Even minor to moderate activity such as walking or drinking a cup of coffee can change your heart rate speed. Your medications, hormones, body size, stress and activity level can also lead to changes in resting heart rate. To find your average resting heart rate, it’s best to check first thing in the morning, before you do anything else.

The normal resting heart rate is between 60 to 100 beats per minute (BPM). Medical experts use the term bradycardia for resting heart rates lower than 60 and tachycardia for heart rates above 100 beats per minute.

In general, it’s better to have a lower heart rate than a higher heart rate. That’s because a lower heart rate means your heart doesn’t have to work as hard to keep things operating smoothly. Research also shows a correlation between high heart rate and health conditions including high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome.

Why Does Resting Heart Rate Matter?


Resting heart rate is an indicator of overall health. Changes in resting heart rate can be among the first signs of an underlying issue. Having a lower resting heart rate doesn’t necessarily indicate a cause for concern. Elite athletes and people who have a high fitness level tend to have lower resting heart rates. Medications and sleeping patterns can also lead to lower resting heart rates.

In some cases, low heart rates or significant decreases from your normal baseline can be a sign of an underlying problem such as heart disease. Additionally, heart attack, underactive thyroid, and some infections can also cause low resting heart rate.

Your heart rate varies when you’re under stress during strenuous exercise and when you’re just lounging. It’s normal for your heart rate to be higher when you exercise because your heart has to pump oxygenated blood to your organs faster when you’re exerting a lot of energy. Exercise and mood changes can cause an increase in resting heart rate. Think about the last time you were really excited or nervous. The feeling of your heart pounding in your chest is a reflection of an increased heart rate.

When your heart rate is consistently too high, you may have a health problem. Asthma and other breathing conditions can cause an increased resting heart rate. Anemia, heart problems, and medications can also raise heart rate numbers.

Fortunately, it’s easy to measure your resting heart rate so you can stay on top of your health. Read on to find out how to calculate your resting heart rate.

How To Calculate Resting Heart Rate


You can check your heart rate by using a wearable tracker or taking your pulse on your wrist or neck. To measure the number of beats using your wrist, place your pointer and middle fingers against the radial artery on the inside of your wrist. This artery is located just below your thumb. You can also check by placing these two fingers against your neck on the carotid artery, which is located just underneath the jaw and next to your windpipe.

You should be able to feel a faint pulsating as your blood pumps through your artery. Set a timer on your phone or stopwatch for 30 seconds and count how many times your heart beats in that time frame. Double that number to get your beats per minute.

It’s important to note that measuring your heart rate using your fingers can be inaccurate, especially if you don’t have a timer to track the 30 seconds. You may also miss a beat here and there, resulting in an inaccurate resting heart rate number.

A wearable tracker or heart rate monitor like Biostrap’s wristband takes the guesswork out of heart rate calculation. These trackers use an infrared or LED light sensor to measure your heart rate. It’s more accurate and the Biostrap tracker includes an app that allows you to manage all of your health information from sleep to heart rate variability.

Heart Rate for Exercise

Now that you know how to calculate your resting heart rate, you can also monitor your target heart rate when exercising. Target heart rate indicates the minimum number of times your heart has to beat in order to conduct cardiovascular activity. According to the American Heart Association and the CDC, the normal target heart rate should be 64% to 76% of your maximum heart rate.

Maximum heart rate is based on age. To find your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. This is known as the Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) method and gives you your target heart rate training zone. For example, say you’re 60 years old. You would subtract 60 from 220 and get 160 beats per minute. Next, you’d take 64% and 76% of 160 to get your target heart rate zone. Your target zone would be between 102 and 121 beats per minute.

These figures are just a guide so don’t panic if your numbers aren’t dead on. If you’re concerned about your resting heart rate or ability to reach your target heart rate during exercise, talk to your doctor. A qualified physician can help you figure out what’s normal and what, if anything, you need to do to stay healthy.

The Best Time To Check Resting and Target Heart Rate

Calculating your heart rate is simple, but there are a few tips that can make it easier or more accurate. It’s a good idea to check your resting heart rate first thing in the morning before taking medication or drinking caffeine, both of which can speed up your heart rate. You can also check your heart rate during physical activity to make sure you’re in your target training zone.

If you want to calculate your resting heart rate, make sure to wait for one to two hours after any physical activity. It can take some time for your heart to return to a normal rate, even after mild exercise. If you forgot to check your resting heart rate before drinking caffeine, try taking it an hour later when the effects subside.

While physical activity can affect your resting heart rate, so can a lack of activity and body position. Don’t take your resting heart rate if you’ve been sitting or standing in one spot for hours. Instead, take a short walk, and then wait one hour before trying to measure your resting heart rate.

Stay Informed and Monitor Your Health

Resting heart rate is a measure of the number of times your heart muscle beats every minute. It’s a good indicator of overall heart health and can be a useful tool for athletes and people who are trying to get in shape. Knowing your resting heart rate and target heart rate range can help you stay fit, get the most out of your exercise program and protect your healthy heart. It can also help you boost exercise intensity so you can target a fat-burning zone and build cardiovascular strength.

If your normal heart rate is too low or high, talk to a doctor and get medical advice. These numbers may be a sign of cardiovascular disease or another underlying health condition.

If you’re interested in more health topics, we’ve got you covered. Check out our blog for more information on important health metrics from oxygen saturation level to sleep tips and more. It’s a great way to stay informed and learn new ways to monitor and manage your health.

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